EchoVideo Help - Main Page


EchoVideo - Back to school webinarsGet ready for fall 2024, see the value of EchoVideo, record lectures from anywhere, increase student learning, gather feedback, and increase their engagement.  
11 AM - 11:30 AM EST - ALL DATES


  • 7/25/24 - Getting Started with EchoVideo 
  • 8/8/24 - Student Options and Workflows in EchoVideo 
  • 8/15/24 - Additional Features in EchoVideo 
  • 8/22/24 - EchoVideo Reports and Analytics
  • 8/29/24 - Student Options and Workflows in EchoVideo
  • 9/10/24 - Getting Started with EchoVideo
  • 9/12/24 - Additional Features in EchoVideo



With EchoVideo you can create content anywhere a (e.g. classroom, your computer, our Studio) and enhance student learning. The system provides various engagement tools to enhance student learning and participation, it is accessible, supports screen readers, and accommodates all learners. You can use EchoVideo within Canvas, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and Zoom. 

Registered students and users in a Canvas course can access and stream videos a few different ways. Watch the video (2:17) below to explore the benefits of using EchoVideo.  Available for current SVSU faculty and staff teaching classes.

Article Sections
*Click the links below and find quick answers, best practices, and helpful tips. 

About EchoVideo

Getting Started

Accessing EchoVideo

Recording with EchoVideo

Managing EchoVideo Content

Sharing and Publishing Content

Analytics and Student Participation

Keep Current with EchoVideo

Help and Training with EchoVideo

Teaching and Learning with EchoVideo

EchoVideo provides the ability to record in a classroom, create personal lectures, or upload media from other platforms. All media is stored in your personal cloud library where you can manage and edit your media before sharing with students. If you are using your videos in a future semester, SVSU requires videos to be transcribed. You can share your media with other instructors using Collections. Utilize the integrated active learning tools that foster student learning. All usage (video or polling) analytics are available to view in your library or your course. 

EchoVideo integrates with Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and Zoom (pro account only) and supports various audio and video content formats including PPT, PDF, JPG, GIF, PNG, and more. We offer a series of training (tailored to updates and enhancements) each semester from learning the fundamentals to using interactive features. Register at


Inclusive Teaching Using EchoVideo

Using EchoVideo in your teaching accommodates all students, increases student retention, decreases failure rates, and fosters student engagement. Faculty have the potential to create an engaging and dynamic learning experience for students tailored for any teaching modality.

Microsoft and Zoom (pro account) have video integration with EchoVideo. No more manual downloading or uploading of your videos they can synchronize to your library where you can edit the media and view video analytics. 

Learn more and register for a workshop or ask questions on our exclusive Tech Days.

EchoVideo allows you to capture using different methods inside or outside of the classroom and save time by reusing videos. In addition, the EchoVideo provides an Active Learning Platform to engage students (Q&A, Polling, etc.), and gathers video analytics, so you know when students are succeeding or falling behind. Learn how EchoVideo can simplify your teaching and be a valuable learning and engagement tool for your students.
  • Save time: Reuse content in your courses, you do not have to re-teach concepts, schedule/Live Stream classroom recordings, and teach as normal.
  • Flexible teaching: If you have to miss class for any reason, inclement weather, illness, or other situations; you can pre-record your lecture, your schedule doesn't fall behind and neither do students. 
  • Increase student retention: Improves student grades because they can rewatch videos.  The instructor can view all video analytics in EchoVideo.
  • Break accessibility barriers: Provides automatic speech recognition/closed captioning that can improve accessibility for those with special needs.
  • Increased engagement: Creates instructor presence through video, allows you to demonstrate difficult concepts, and checks for student understanding with the integrated active learning tools (Q&A, Polling, etc.).
  • Secure access: From within Canvas or from your office, home, or any location.

Students Increase Learning Retention

EchoVideo is helpful for students who need to miss class for any reason, they can access recorded content in Canvas, and keep up with their coursework. Using EchoVideo in your teaching supports a wide range of student learning styles and those with accessibility needs. Explore our EchoVideo Student Guide.
  • Inclusive learning: EchoVideo creates an accessible learning environment from within Canvas, utilizing the three pillars of Universal Design.
  • Reinforce concepts: Content can be re-watched or re-read anywhere, on any device. Variable playback controls for different learning styles help students understand course content.
  • Engagement/Collaboration: Students can respond to peers or the instructor in-class discussion, anonymous Q&A, and polling, (invisible to peers, not the instructor) encourages student participation and gives an inclusive learning experience.
  • Student success: (polling, notes, study guide). Students can interact with the media such as, rewatch lectures, ask questions, take notes, and create a study guide.
  • Secure access: Students or other users in your Canvas course can access videos or presentation slides, there is no extra log in for them. 

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Accessibility: Automatic Speech Recognition

All media recorded or uploaded to EchoVideo will process a transcript. Once your videos have transcripts it will remain with the video regardless of where it is published, and the video will always be in your library unless you delete it. Each transcript should be reviewed and edited to be ADA CompliantIf you have older content without a transcript, you can request transcripts (as needed) by filling out our EchoVideo Transcript Request form

Students can read along while watching the video or search the transcript and be taken to the exact location they want to review. The transcript supports screen readers, and closed captioning can be enabled. See the example image of viewing a transcript as a student.

TIP: When students play the video with a transcript/caption (instructors can enable CC when their video transcript is 99% accurate), they will see the transcript and CC button in the player controls menu. Learn more about the Classroom Player and its features for instructors.

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Get Started with EchoVideo

If you are new and you are reading this, you will need a user account and training, attend our introductory workshop and If you still have questions, please call x4225 or email our IT Support Center.

Support for Instructors

EchoVideo Help Guides:

Watch how-to videos, interact in self-paced tutorials, and watch how other universities are using EchoVideo in their teaching.

Echo360 Getting Started page for Instructors

Workshops (SVSU ITD)

Support for Students

Help Guides

Live Stream classes or recordings are accessed through an EchoVideo course or recordings can be watched by students when embedded in Canvas. Share our EchoVideo Student Guide it's a great overview for freshmen or those new to video lessons.

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Request a EchoVideo Course

Each semester if you intend to use EchoVideo record in the classroom/Live Stream, or foster student engagement utilizing the *Active Learning Platform (ALP) you need to request an EchoVideo courseYou DO NOT need to fill out the form if you plan to or are embedding your videos in Canvas; your media resides in EchoVideo, you only need an EchoVideo account. 

Embed videos in Canvas. It is the simplest method for sharing videos with your students without using the Active Learning Platform. Embedded videos can be copied for future semester use without breaking links and provides user-specific analytics. Look for the plug shaped icon in the toolbar of a Canvas content window.

Accessing your Content and Supported Browsers

You can access your EchoVideo Library using two methods:

  • Visit log in with your SVSU email address and password (not your SVSU network password). If you forget your password, reset it here.
  • Canvas: Log into Canvas and open your course via Canvas's course navigation, look for the EchoVideo tab. 

Supported Browsers

Supported and tested browsers are the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. 

For the best experience in viewing and streaming EchoVideo recordings users must allow third party cookies in your browser and disable Ad Blockers. Embedded media in Canvas does not use cookies or require an EchoVideo course and is the simplest way to share your video content with students. Learn the difference between using a course or embedding your media.

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Different Ways to Record Content (classroom, specialty space, or your computer)

Have you recorded a lecture using Browser Capture its a quick and easy way to record videos on any computer, you just need an Internet connection and a supported browser. Simply click the blue Create button while logged into EchoVideo.

Be sure to explore "Teaching Methods with EchoVideo (view ways to use).
" See how other instructors are using video outside of capturing lectures.

You can record class lectures anywhere inside a classroom, in our recording studio, (features a Lightboard), or create them on your computer. If you have media, you created using another system, you can upload them to your Library from a computer or use the EchoVideo mobile app. 

Teaching Methods with EchoVideo

Sample ideas to use video in your teaching *Find PDF handouts in the Attachments section (right of the page).
  • Record/Live Stream class lecture(s) so students can go back and watch the lesson, reinforce their understanding, and reduce after class questions.
  • Record supplemental videos to expand on a real-world experience, explain difficult concepts, cover an exam review, etc. 
  • Make quick short videos and embed it an Announcement instead of having them reading the expectations, it lets students know there is an instructor presence.
  • Provide pre-recorded videos prior to coming to class, use class time for questions and in-class activities.
  • Publish new video lectures, reuse content, or upload media made elsewhere stored in your EchoVideo library and share with students in Canvas.
Increase Student Learning and Participation

Record personal lectures on your computer

Create personal lectures or supplemental lessons on your computer (university or personal) from your office or at home. Launch one of the recording apps from the blue Create button in EchoVideo.

  • Click "New Capture - "​​​​​Record with Universal Capture: Personal" free software that can be installed onto university or personal PCs (Mac or Windows 10). You can create a Live Stream or record offline. 
  • Click "New Browser Capture - "​​​​​Record with Browser Capture" no software needed, record online on any computer, record your screen, an application window, or your browser tab. It's available from the Create button once you log into EchoVideo. Browser Capture will only work when you are connected to the Internet.

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Classroom Recordings and Live Stream

Teach as normal in your classroom just turn the system on, prepare your screen, and or documents, and teach. Depending on the room you're teaching in, the device instructions will vary, we have over 60+ Appliances installed on campus, most rooms have Classroom Capture software installed in the podium, view our Classroom Installed Technology page.

Classroom Recording Best Practices 

  • Don't have multiple applications open, clean up your desktop.
  • The following list suggests best practices for classroom recordings.
  • Before class ensure the microphone is plugged in and is facing toward you (insert picture). 
  • To ensure student questions are captured during class, repeat the questions so they are clearly recorded. 
  • Do not view private emails, student grades, etc. on the podium computer, the system will record your screen. 
  • Do not unplug the microphone and avoid private conversations with students before, during, and after class at the podium, it may be recorded. If this type of conversation is needed, do it elsewhere for privacy reasons. 
  • Recording in a room without an Appliance (a room without a camera)?
    • Ensure that the podium computer is turned on, logged into, and kept on throughout the class. 
    • After class keep the computer on (you can log off) to allow the recording to upload to the EchoVideo server. 
During a Live Stream class, you can monitor participants. After class, you can see student participation from within your library (specific individual media) or view within an EchoVideo course/section (class/lesson).

Viewing Video Analytics

How to see Video Views After a Class Session? EchoVideo tracks ALL usage (video views) regardless of how it was captured Live Stream or recorded. The data includes student names, total views, total view time (duration), number of times a student joined a Live stream or viewed a recording, and the last viewed Date.
How does Video Analytics work? ALL video VIEWS are gathered. The analytics aren't real time as it does take time to update, video views are updated hourly. 

View Live stream attendance after a live class session.
Access usage Analytics includes views and poll responses for all media

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are monitoring video views, keep in mind that views are updated hourly, while poll responses are in real-time.

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Managing, Downloading, and Deleting Your Media

Media that you own, or content shared with you will always be found on the Library tab, you will always see two panels for your content Collections (top) and Media (bottom). There are multiple ways to manage media before sharing it. Videos can be shared directly to Canvas or with other instructors outside of an EchoVideo course, additionally, content can be added to a Collection that can be shared with others; where you can set permissions on what each member is allowed to do.

Each media piece provides a thumbnail preview and can be edited with various commands (e.g., Share, Edit Media, Edit Transcript, Add/Edit a Poll, Edit Details, Make a Copy, Download, Delete), please see the note below on deleting EchoVideo content.

Downloading Media

You may need a local copy of your media for offline viewing or advanced video editing. If you own the media or have permission to download the media from an EchoVideo course or a media Collection you will be able to download video(s).

Deleting Media

When you click "Delete" in your Library or the trash icon in a Course (Classes list page), there is a message box that advises you of the deletion.

  • If you click OK your media will be deleted and go to a recycle bin you can restore up to 3 months from the date of deletion, all analytics and embedded links to the media will be restored.​​​​
  • If you want to KEEP the media click the Cancel button. 

Article: How-to Restore Deleted Media

Echo360 message box confirming deletion of media
  • Deleting media from your Library: When you delete (trash icon) media from your library is it no longer accessible, the video is removed from all published locations, meaning anywhere its embedded or published in a course. Always be cautious before deleting a video from your Library, media can only be restored up to 90 days only.
  • Removing media from a Course Class: If you remove media, (e.g., video, presentation, video with polls (interactive media)) from a class it is simply removing the student's ability to access the content. The media is removed from the class along with the associated analytics, it is not from removed from your Library. 

**Important Note: Scheduled captures CANNOT be deleted by the instructor but an Echo admin can delete them for you. If you would like media deleted, you need to edit the title and type in DELETE, see how to edit the media title. Then, submit an ITS support ticket to put in your request to have ITS remove them.

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Edit Your Video or Transcript

Edit your video or transcript without the need of downloading software, edits made can always be restored, and if you need to share editing rights with other instructors, you can create a Collection of media and set other permissions for what they are allowed to do with your media.

Reusing Audio or Video Media

New for Fall 2023, all media recorded or uploaded to EchoVideo will process a transcript. Once your videos have transcripts it will remain with the video regardless of where it is published and the video will always be in your library unless you delete it. Each transcript should be reviewed and edited to be ADA CompliantIf you have older content without a transcript, you can request transcripts (as needed) by filling out our EchoVideo Transcript Request form

Helpful Tips for Videos with Transcripts.
  • Ensure that you edit your video first, make any necessary trims or cuts, and then edit and finalize your transcript.
  • Once your videos have transcripts you do not need to request ASR, the transcripts remain on your video unless you delete them. 
  • Added benefits of transcripts added to your video are that when students are viewing the transcript along with the video/audio, it can help reinforce understanding and retention of the material. 

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Sharing and Publishing Your Media in Canvas

There are different ways you can share (publish) content to Canvas. Students can access your media whether you are embedding media in Canvas using the media embed button inside of the Rich Content Editor (look for a plug-shaped icon in the toolbar) or sharing media directly from your library and publishing to a course. Both methods do not take up the Canvas course storage because your videos are stored in your cloud Library. Explore more details and View the difference in the video players.

Need to share your videos outside of Canvas?  There are two methods for sharing your videos internally (those with an SVSU email address) or externally without one.

  • Microsoft StreamUpload your video(s) to Microsoft Stream, set viewing permissions for specific individuals, specific groups, or allow all individuals with an SVSU email address to view them. Links to your video do not expire.
  • OneDriveUpload your video(s) to OneDrive, set viewing permissions for specific individuals, allow all individuals with an SVSU email address to view your video, or anyone with the link to view them (allows external viewing). Links to your video(s) will expire after 30 days or less, you would need to reshare the video link for longer viewing.

An image: Embedded Media Analytics User Video Views

You can view user analytics within your EchoVideo Library. 

Student View LTI Error? Student View in Canvas does not work with EchoVideo, you will receive an LTI error. 
Sharing Content with other EchoVideo users? You can share videos or other content from your library with other EchoVideo instructors as long as they have a user account. Sharing doesn't provide users with an email notification of the share, but they can view the media inside of their Library. 

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Engagement and Analytics

There are two methods of enhancing student engagement with EchoVideo for synchronous or asynchronous classes. You can increase student learning by embedding polls in a video or using the Active Learning Platform (ALP) and its Classroom Tools. The ALP allows students to view the content (video, presentation, interactive media) as needed, and instructors can see student participation on who may, or may not be engaged. Learn the different methods on how you can engage students and view their participation (video views and polling responses). 

Embedded Polling (create an interactive poll or quiz)

Embedded Polling in a video (recommended for asynchronous teaching) is a great way to check for student learning. Embedded Polling (interactive media) gate the media students are viewing, they are required to submit their answers before they can continue to watch. There are various question types you can add. Polls can be created new or reused, they store in your Library. There are two different methods of sharing interactive media with students: 

Active Learning Platform (ALP)

An EchoVideo course (utilizes the Active Learning Platform) can be used for scheduled/Live Stream or non-scheduled classes. Having a course, allows you to publish videos (e.g., scheduled or personal recordings) from your library with students. They can be published automatically from a scheduled class or manually shared, (see the blue call-out box below).

How do I use the ALP?

Sharing media to your EchoVideo course, there are two methods:

Publish a Video from your library to your EchoVideo course

Import a Video to a Class from your library (adds a video to the classes list page). 

The ALP provides other ways to share content with students such as interactive media (videos with polls), or presentations. Along with various ways to engage your students and ensure participation. Instructors can use the Classroom Tools where students can interact with class media, ask questions, participate in Discussion, and respond to polls. The functionality of the Classroom Tools differs slightly for instructors and students, view an image of the Classroom Toolbar, and learn how to navigate EchoVideo's Classroom and its player controls.

Analytics in EchoVideo

Did you know? There are multiple ways to access Analytics in EchoVideo, no matter where media has been published in Canvas. Click the button below to access the video.

EchoVideo Analytics (view in various ways)

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EchoVideo - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

View a compilation of frequently asked questions from helpful tips, solutions, and more.

Need Help with EchoVideo?

Keep up-to-date view Features and Updates for Instructors. You can access all our EchoVideo Help requests, by clicking the button below.

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Article ID: 122461
Thu 12/10/20 6:04 PM
Thu 7/18/24 11:37 AM

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