EchoVideo is a system that features classroom capture, video and transcript editing, interactive learning, and gathers usage Analytics. Recordings can be pre-recorded or presented Live (real-time). EchoVideo helps make learning easy for all students. Using EchoVideo in your teaching (any subject or modality) accommodates all students, increases student retention, decreases failure rates, and can enhance student learning outcomes.
- Record Anywhere (classroom, office, home, Lightboard studio)
- 24/7 access linked in Canvas
- Automatic Speech Recognition and Closed Captioning
- Screen Reader Capability
EchoVideo is linked in Canvas
Easy access for your students 24/7 or you can control the availability, can sync with your Gradebook, and you can view usage Analytics.
Interactivity Features
EchoVideo includes built-in engagement tools in the video player (e.g., Q&A, Discussion, Confusion flags, embedded Polls, and more) for both you and your students.
Watch the overview video (2:17)
Video Integration (Teams and OneDrive)
EchoVideo is linked with Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and Zoom (pro account), you just need to enable it. Recordings will automatically copy to your Library.
Student Access and Viewing
EchoVideo course (virtual classroom)
Student access expires at the conclusion of each semester. If you have a student who needs to take an incomplete, you can create a media Collection and provide them permission to access those recordings.
Classroom Captures (review material)
Recorded lectures from on campus classes is a great way for students to review what was taught in class or catch up if they missed class. If Live Stream is enabled students' can attend remotely. A sample image (student perspective) is below, on the left is the screen that was recorded and on the right is the faculty teaching in class at the podium.

Captures Classroom/Personal (review and interactivity) as a Student
Recorded classroom or personal lectures can include embedded Discussion, Q&A, and presentations. Student participation and poll responses can be synced automatically into your Canvas gradebook.
The sample image below shows the Classroom video player with the screen recording, instructor teaching (blurred out), and a presentation slide with embedded polling.

Tip: A presentation (above with embedded polling) can be created from scratch or faculty can upload a PowerPoint or PDF to use as a presentation.
Student Classroom Tools

Students also have tools for taking Notes, post and respond to class Discussion, use Confusion flags, and create Bookmarks. These features and more allow active learning vs passive learning because students are not just viewing a recording they are interacting and actively doing something.
The sample images below shows the Notes, Discussion, and Transcript panel (located in the upper-right of the video player) in the student perspective.
Notes panel
Discussion panel
Transcript panel
Student has made their own private notes and a bookmark, all notes taken and bookmarks are time stamped so students can go back and review.
Student has posted a comment in the discussion panel, it is time-stamped and posted anonymously. Others can react, respond to the post, or bookmark the discussion post.
Student can search the transcript by keyword and go to each instance in the recording where it was said by clicking the small arrows.
Embedded media in Canvas (recommended for Modules)
The embedded player includes a Discussion panel so instructors and students can engage in conversation. Look for the plug shaped icon inside of a Discussion, Assignment, Page, or an Announcement. All videos import successfully to other Canvas courses and you can see video views in your Library. Embedded videos can be viewed on a computer or a mobile device.
Embed EchoVideo Media in Canvas
New to EchoVideo?
Brand new to EchoVideo? Click the button below to submit a ticket.
I want to use EchoVideo (new user)
Existing User? Log in to EchoVideo
When you have a user account for EchoVideo, you can record classroom lectures, create personal recordings on your computer with Universal Capture: Personal software, and upload media made from other sources. Your videos are stored in the cloud Library that you can access inside of Canvas.
Note: If you are accessing your content outside of Canvas go to echo360.org your password is separate from your SVSU password. If you forgot your password click the password reset link.
Download and Install - Universal Capture: Personal software
UC Personal software allows you to use (university-owned or personal) PC or Mac to create recordings in your office or at home and publish them to the EchoVideo system. Use it to record a class lecture, assignment overview, course expectations, supplemental lesson material, and more. Allows the ability to Live Stream or record offline.
Universal Capture Installation Guide
Record Online with Browser Capture
Create a video on any computer you just need a supported browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge, and Firefox). Allows you to record your screen (entire screen, an application window, or your browser tab), microphone, and yourself.
Browser Capture Guide
Request an EchoVideo Course (schedule/Live Stream classes)
Each semester if you intend to use EchoVideo to record/Live Stream, reuse all previous class media), or want to use the classroom engagement tools, you need to request an EchoVideo course visit svsu.edu/echohelp click Create Ticket. Reminder emails for EchoVideo sections are sent out approximately ~6-8 before the upcoming semester. If you are embedding videos in Canvas a EchoVideo course is not required.
Automatic Speech Recognition and Reusing Lecture Recordings. Instructors are responsible for ensuring the
accuracy of the transcript. Closed Captions can be enabled once your transcript is 99% accurate. Transcripts remain on your video unless you delete them. Any edits made made to a transcript will save as a new version and display on your video.
EchoVideo Workshops
EchoVideo can be used whether you are teaching in a classroom, hybrid, or online with various ways to increase student engagement and enhance their learning. Each session builds on one another, we offer several workshops each semester. Sign up at svsu.edu/workshops.
Record Videos in our Lightboard Studio
Teach and create innovative videos on a LED Lightboard. Hand write diagrams, equations, step-by-step instructions, etc. on a glass lightboard with a fluorescent marker, the ink glows and is visible. Then, edit, post, and share your video with students. Book a Lightboard Studio Tour.

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