EchoVideo: Use the Transcript Editor to Make Content ADA Compliant


SVSU requires video and audio content to have transcripts when they are being reused. If your video had transcripts previously, they will remain with the video.

As of Fall 2023 video transcripts are now enabled by default, this does not affect videos that do not have transcripts. If you need them fill out our EchoVideo Transcript Request form. An admin can request your transcripts. Alternatively, you can publish your video(s) to your EchoVideo Development Course (First Name Last Name), if you don't have one you can request one call out Support Center 989.964.4225.

Transcripts will be applied to video or audio content when publishing to an EchoVideo course with ASR enabled. The time it takes to process depends on the length and where it is a queue for processing. Please be aware that for videos larger than 2GB in file size, ~14 hours, you would need to edit them into shorter segments using EchoVideo's video editor. If you are recording your classes in Microsoft Teams you will need to upload your transcript to EchoVideo, if you are using Zoom video conferencing (Zoom pro account users only) your recording(s) are automatically copied over with the transcript to EchoVideo. View more about the Zoom integration with EchoVideo

Article Sections

Can someone else help edit a Transcript?

Yes, if you would like someone to assist with reviewing and editing a transcript, there are some options available with editing a transcript of the video you own. You can create a Collection in EchoVideo, and add your pieces of media then give the individual(s) editing permission to edit transcripts; you can also assign other permissions in a Collection. Alternatively, you can directly share your media with an individual.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: If another user is editing the transcript at the same time, and has saved the edits, you will be asked to compare the differences and merge the conflicts before changes can be saved. 

Using the Transcript Editor

The transcript editor in EchoVideo will preserve the original data and any edited versions. The most recent transcript version will always appear by default. Once the transcript editor is open, you will see a playback panel for the media (left panel), and the transcript (right panel) and its media playback location on the right. If you had more than one speaker when your lecture was recorded, they will be identified and you will be able to add and edit speaker names

Transcript Editor Features

EchoVideo ASR provides a transcript editor within a playback panel, allowing the following functionality whilst viewing the recording:

  • Undo/redo edits
  • Add and edit Speaker tags
  • Search & replace (common misspelled words)
  • Export/upload of transcripts (if needed)
  • Confidence score slider (highlights perceived inaccurate words dependent upon the word confidence slider)
  • Version history restore or view previous versions
  • Play, pause & scrub to different locations within the video/transcript
  • In-line editing with recording paused while editing the transcript
  • Transcriptions will stay with the media when its re-used in subsequent semesters or different course sections

Access the Transcript Editor

You can access the Transcript Editor a few ways, from your media in your Library or from the Classes list page within your EchoVideo course.

Your media Library

EchoVideo Course (Classes List page)

Edit Transcript is an option in the Media Tile menu on your Library page.

Echo360 Accessing the Transcript Editor from the media tile in your Library

Edit Transcript is an option on the Class List page. Click the media icon.

Echo360 Class List page accessing the transcript editor

View this Self-paced tutorial on using the transcript editor learn how to access, edit, and save your edits

Ensure that you edit your video first, make any necessary trims or cuts using EchoVideo's Video Editor, save your edits, the video will reprocess and store in your library.

Helpful Tips on Transcript Version History

  1. Inside the Transcript Editor, in the upper-left corner there is a drop-down menu where you will see the version of your transcript. 
  2. If you only see Original (sample image below) this means that you have not edited your video or transcript. If you have edited the transcript or video and still ONLY see "Original" in the drop-down menu your transcript has not finished processing.
    NOTE: The transcript can take up to several hours to process.
  3. If you see Version 1 in the drop-down menu your video and transcript has finished processing.
    NOTE: You will have a new version anytime that you make edits, however, you can always view previous versions (as applicable) with the date and who made the edits.

    Echo360 Transcript Editor Version History
  4. The current version of your transcript also has the option to apply Closed Captions as instructed below.
  5. Once your videos have transcripts, they remain on your video unless you delete them. A transcript will display when students and other learners are watching your video. If Closed Captions are needed, the instructor must enable them.
NOTE: If your video is already published to an EchoVideo course or embedded in Canvas, the newest version of the transcript will automatically display. Just click the transcript icon Echo360 transcript icon

Editing a Transcript

 While editing the transcript, a confidence slider will display at the top of the panel, it can be adjusted to mark words that fall below the percentage of confidence with a double red underline which helps to identify inaccuracies in the transcript. You can use the search and replace function, or play the video and edit the transcript directly at the text cues within the transcript and fix mis-transcribed words.

Downloading a Transcript or Script for Offline Use

If you need to download your transcript for offline use or simply need the text cues for the transcript, click the Export button. You can download the export as .VTT or .TXT file. View article: Exporting a Transcript for Offline Use

Applying Closed Captions

Closed Captions can be enabled after the transcript has been reviewed and edited for accuracy (the transcript MUST BE 99% accurate to be compliant).  Open the Transcript editor, and click the Apply to CC button. View step by step instructions: Applying Updated Transcripts as Closed Captions.

EchoVideo Transcript Editor - Apply closed captions to a transcript

  • Captions can be applied to your video or audio content, the most recent transcript will be active on the video.
  • Captions display on the video, the appearance of them can be changed by the viewer.
  • Captions can be read by the user or a screen reader.
  • The transcript MUST BE 99% accurate to be compliant for closed captioning. 
  • ONLY the newest version of the transcript can be applied as Closed Captions.
  • If the video has Closed Captions applied, the "CC" button will be clickable. You must toggle on CC (see sample image below), the viewer has options to change the text size, contrast, location, and alignment of how they want the caption banner displayed on the video.

Student View of Transcripts (Closed Captions)

Students can access the transcript from the video in an EchoVideo course or from the embedded video player. Transcripts on a video are seen by students whether its edited or unedited, a transcript can be searched by keyword, and students can can toggle on closed captions via the CC button (if instructors have enabled it).  More details can be found in our EchoVideo student guide Turning on Closed Captions.

Functionality of videos with transcripts include: 

  • Video and transcript text are automatically synced when playing, pausing, or skipping forward or back in the video.
  • The text is highlighted yellow in the transcript and automatically syncs to the location in the video while video is played.
  • Search keyword in the transcript, if a match is found the count is identified with previous/next arrow buttons, and are underlined in the transcript.
  • If there is a need students can turn on CC (instructions are below). **Note: Instructors must enable closed captions on the video.
  • Video player is supported by a screen reader.

Turn on a Transcript or Closed Captions

  • To turn on the transcript click the Transcript icon, (bottom-right of player).
  • To turn on the closed caption, click the CC icon. To change how caption appears click gear (cogwheel icon). Found in (bottom-right of player).

Echo360 embedded player turning on closed captions

Video Playback and Quality: The playback of the speed of the video and adjust the quality as appropriate. Article: Change the video playback in a course

Using Microsoft Teams Video Transcripts

If you have recorded your class meeting in Microsoft Teams and want to add the meeting transcript to your video you can publish your video to an EchoVideo course with Automatic Speech Recognition enabled, or fill out our EchoVideo Transcript Request form. Alternatively, you can upload the transcript from your Teams meeting recording.

Follow the steps below on adding your Teams transcript to your video in EchoVideo:

  1. In the Teams chat or Channel, Click on the Meeting transcript.
  2. Click the three dots to see more options (upper-right of box).
  3. In the menu, click Download as .vtt
  4. Upload the .vtt file to your EchoVideo. View instructions on Adding/Uploading Transcriptions to Captures (Instructors) 

EchoVideo Transcript Editor: Help Guides

The transcript editor works in your browser, it provides a playback panel and the text of the spoken audio, again because it is machine-generated it is essential to ensure the transcript is accurate, many factors can affect the correctness of the transcript. Below are some helpful guides in getting started with the transcript editor.

Teaching in Teams? If you teach in Teams and are manually uploading your recorded class meetings you want to reuse, save time, and set up OneDrive subscription(s) for Teams recordings. All recordings will be automatically copied to EchoVideo. The transcript from the recording won't copy over but you can upload the transcript to your video.

EchoVideo Media Editor: Help Guides (**edit video before editing a transcript)

If you need to make edits to your video before sharing it with students use EchoVideo's video editor works in your browser, allowing you to trim out unwanted content, or chunk down longer your videos into smaller segments, combine videos and add custom thumbnails. Always edit your video first, if edits are needed, then edit your transcript.

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Article ID: 142674
Wed 4/13/22 11:44 AM
Tue 2/6/24 11:11 AM

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