EchoVideo: Collections - Share media with others outside of a course

Important Note: * Collections can be created to share with specific instructors and collaborate, or shared with students for any reason (e.g., missed classes, after a term ends, etc.). Enroll members to a Collection via an Enrollment Link or add them manually.


Creating a Collection is another way you can share media with others outside of an EchoVideo course. If you have an instructor or TA role in EchoVideo, you can create a Collection. The media added to a Collection is a way to organize media for a specific course or topic(s). You can set permissions for each member in your Collection. * Note: The individual(s) must already have an EchoVideo user account.

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Features of a Collection

  • A Collection allows you to bulk add media to quickly share with others. 
  • The media in a Collection can be easily shared with other instructors or users with an EchoVideo account. You can set permissions for what they can do with the media.
    • There are various preset roles that you can choose from, or you can set custom permissions for each member you share a collection to learn more about Roles and Member Permissions.
    • The Post permission means the member can post to an EchoVideo section or embed in Canvas using the EchoVideo embed button in the toolbar. Does not include Library Collections cannot be embedded in Canvas yet, that is a feature that is coming in a future deployment.

Creating a Collection

All instructors in EchoVideo can create a Collection within their Library from the Collection tab. You become the manager of the Collection where you can choose who you want to share your media with. Type in a short and concise Collection Title (up to 200 characters), then type in a Description (up to 2,500 characters) so that users know what the Collection contains. 

Echo360 Collections (Library interface)

Use Cases for Creating a Collection
• Share media with other instructors in your department or give users specific permissions outside of an EchoVideo course. Choose from pre-configured or customize the Access level.
• Share media with students that need to take an incomplete and need access outside of term that has ended. Students will access outside of Canvas via

Adding Members to a Collection

You can set specific permissions for each member that you add to a Collection based on what you are allowing them to do with your media.

Roles and Permissions within a Collection

EchoVideo Collection - Roles and Permissions - Table grid

*Permissions can also be custom set outside of the default settings for each role. View this step-by-step guide EchoVideo - Managing Collection Member Rights and Permissions

Add Multiple Members to a Collection with an Enrollment link

Use an enrollment link when adding more than one member to a Collection. When you use this method each member will have Reviewer access only.

Turn on the Collection Enrollment Link 

  1. Open your Collection, click the "Membership" tab. 
  2. Toggle on the Auto-Enroll link. When you toggle on the link the copy button will no longer be grayed out.

    EchoVideo Collection Enrollment
  3. Then click Copy to the right (shown in the sample image below).

    EchoVideo Collection Enrollment Link Enabled
  4. Paste the link where you plan to share it.
  5. When invited members click the link they are added to the Collection as a Reviewer.  You can change the permissions of a member as needed just click the pencil next the member name. See the Roles and Permission within a Collection below:


Add a Single Member to a Collection

  1. Click the Membership tab, and then click the + Member button (right of your screen) to add a user to a Collection.
  2. The Add Member window opens, type in the username, and select their name from the list.
  3. After adding the member, choose the Access Level (refer to the table Roles and Permissions), there are preset templates you can choose from the drop-down menu (see sample image of the preset roles below.)

    Collection: Add a Member - Access level and the preset roles
  4. Click Add Member (see sample image below for complete steps). Do this for each member you want to add to the Collection. Explore how Adding Users to a Collection.

Steps on how to Add a Member to a Collection

Adding Media to a Collection

The Collection manager and member(s) with Add & Upload permission can add media to a Collection. 

To add media to a Collection, click the + Add Media button, a list of items in your Library will display by default or you can Upload New Media. You can add one or more pieces of media, click the empty check box to the left of the media name. You can search by keyword, sort by Date, use the scroll bar to locate your media, or use the filter (funnel icon) to isolate your search to specific media types or content. Explore Adding Media to a Collection.

Note: The media name will show the same title as in your Library if you need to edit the name or description open the Media Details dialog box and select Edit Details.

Other ways to add media in your Library to a Collection
Thumbnail in your Library: Select any thumbnail (media tile) in your Library (three dot menu ), and select Add to Collection, then select the Collection you want to add it to. 
Media Details page: Click the Share icon, then choose the Collection tab. In the Share with box choose the Collection name you want to share the media. Alternatively, you can scroll to the bottom of the Media Details page and in the Share with box select the Collection from the menu.

Accessing a Collection (you own or that has been shared with you)

Your Collections of media that you own or has been shared with you will be seen in the Collection panel. Click EchoVideo tab in Canvas's course menu to access EchoVideo or if you are logged into 

  • Instructors, TAs: Will have a Library tab and see the Collections panel displaying Collections of media they own or that they are a member of. Click the Collection to open it.
  • Students: Do not have a Library tab but will see a Collection tab in the top menu. They will see the Collection they have access to. Click the Collection to open it.

Echo360 accessing a collection as a student

Resources on Collections

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