Learn how to edit your video, edit transcripts or apply Closed Captions, create Collections to share media with others, sync Teams and OneDrive recordings to your Library, and more.

Articles (7)

EchoVideo: Access Content within Microsoft Teams

Explore how to view and access EchoVideo inside of Microsoft Teams. You can open EchoVideo from the left menu in Teams or add it as an app to a Teams Channel.

EchoVideo: Adding a PowerPoint (PDF) to Poll Students

Add a PowerPoint or PDF as supplemental to a class in your EchoVideo course, it allows students to view at their own pace, provides the ability to embed polls providing a great way to check for student understanding or gather feedback from them.

EchoVideo: Collections - Share media with others outside of a course

Allows you to create a media Collection in your Library to share with instructors or students outside of an Echo360 (EchoVideo) course. You can set various permissions for what they are allowed to do with your media.

EchoVideo: Sync your Videos from Teams/OneDrive to your Library

Set up automatic copying of your recorded class meetings from Teams to your Library. Embed your videos in Canvas Modules or publish to an EchoVideo course (utilizes the Active Learning Platform).

EchoVideo: Use the Transcript Editor to Make Content ADA Compliant

Learn how to make your content in ADA compliant for all learners. The transcript editor allows editing in the browser, search and replace commonly misplaced words, apply closed captions your video, download a script for video, and more.

EchoVideo: Using the Video Editor

Explore how to edit your video using the video editor, there is no software to download, it works in your browser. You can trim, cut, combine, and add custom thumbnails to your video. NOTE: Supported browsers are Firefox and Google Chrome are recommended (latest version).

Teams Meetings Recordings: Downloading a Transcript and upload to EchoVideo

This article shows you how to download a transcript from Stream (on SharePoint) and add it to your media in EchoVideo Library.