EchoVideo: Using the Video Editor

This article assumes that your video is already stored in EchoVideo. If not you can upload your audio or video file to your Library. View the instructions Upload Media Created outside of EchoVideo. Note: Processing and the availability of your recording depends on the duration and where your media is at server for processing.


The media editor in EchoVideo is available in your Library, it works right in your browser, there is no software to download. You can trim beginning or end of your media, chunk down longer videos into smaller segments, combine videos, and add custom thumbnails. You even have the ability to manage your media timeline and can add or remove audio tracks. All owners of their own media or those that have editing permissions would be able to use the media editor in EchoVideo.

Note: The media editor in EchoVideo is primarily designed for basic video editing, you will not be able to edit audio or add visual effects. However, you can add, remove, or replace tracks for any audio or video recording.

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Accessing the Video Editor

The video editor can be accessed in multiple places, your Library, the Media Details page, or from your EchoVideo course. Find the video you want to edit, see the sample image below.

  1. Within your Library on the main page, media is seen in a list or tile view (thumbnail preview). Hover your video thumbnail, click the three dots, and select Edit Media.
  2. On the Media details page, where you can playback your video, and manage other options for your media. Click, Edit Media (to the right of the Share icon).
  3. Open it from the Classes list page within your EchoVideo course. Click the media icon, and from the menu select Edit Media.

When you click Edit Media, a message box displays on your screen. "Any edits made will affect all published versions of the content. Are you sure you want to continue?" This means that any edits made will apply to all published locations whether you embedded the video in Canvas or shared it to an EchoVideo course (Classes List page). Click OK to accept, the media editor will open.

Echo360 media editor call out box advising that edits made will affect all published versions


If you simply want to apply edits to one course, we recommend making a copy of the video and then applying your edits to the copied version of the video. Once you are ready for students to access your video, publish it to your EchoVideo course or embed it in Canvas. As a reminder, if your video or audio file has a transcript, you must review the accuracy of the transcription and make edits where its necessary. If you're reusing content and your content does not have a transcript, fill out our EchoVideo Transcript Request. SVSU requires all video and audio content to be compliant for all learners.

Video Editor Interface

When you open the video editor you will see a Playback panel, Editor controls, and a Timeline that shows your media sources (e.g., video, audio).

Echo360 media editor on open

Playback Panel

The player controls directly under your media, starting from the bottom left allow you to play your audio or video media, move back or forward (10 seconds at a time), increase or decrease the volume, adjust the speed, and quality (far-right). 

Media Controls 

Directly under your media, you can manage your the media controls.

  • Left: Image thumbnail, this is what is seen as a static image to users, you can change it and add your own thumbnail.
  • Middle: Use the minus and plus icon to zoom in or out on your tracks.
  • Right: There are various editing options to manage your media.

Media Timeline Editor

Displays your tracks of media. If you recorded in a classroom or used a webcam to record yourself, your Timeline will show two video sources. Otherwise, you'd see one video track and one audio track (visual waveform). The pink trim handles show the beginning and end of your media tracks.

The playhead marker with the horizontal line is the location (timestamp) in the video and where the edit will occur, the playhead marker will always sync in the timeline. You can drag it to the location. The playhead marker (pancake menu) include options to combine, cut, and add a image thumbnail, the links below will take you to the help guide (if needed).

echo360 media editor cut menu includes options for trimming in and out, inserting, splitting clips, and setting custom thumbnails

Editing Video Media in the Timeline

Important Note: As a reminder, any edits you make will affect all versions of wherever you have it published saving you time. However, we recommend making a copy of a video, if you only want to apply edits to a specific video and are only publishing it to a specific course/section. Name it as appropriate with the content covered and the course prefix for ease of finding later in your Library.

Getting to know the media editor timeline:

  • Navigate: You can drag the play head or click the location you want to go to in the timeline, the media tracks stay synced with one another.
  • Trim: Trimming your video is the simplest method of making edits, whether you are making beginning or end trims. The pink frame is your visual of both. If you want to isolate your trim you can use the Zoom toggle, then use the Trim In (left bracket) or out (right bracket) icon in the play head within the hamburger menu.
  • Zoom toggle: Click the - or + icon or use the slider to zoom in on the media. As you Zoom in the video the timeline numbers increase, the default is 30 seconds but if you needed to you isolate a trim right down to 100ths of a second.

Trimming Video Media

If you need to trim the beginning or end of your video, use the pink frames, or the trim-in or trim-out buttons. Drag the appropriate pink frame to the location usually that is sufficient but if needed you can use the zoom toggle and trim handle buttons. The sample image below shows how to use the trim-out feature the same would follow if you were trimming the beginning of media.

Echo360 media editor trim out end of a video

  1. To trim off the end of a video, select the Trim out button (right bracket).
  2. We recommend playing your video to ensure you are happy with the end trim mark. If you need to make adjustments, you can undo your changes by clicking the arrows. Note: Remember any edits you make are not permanent. You can also restore the media to its original state.
  3. When you are satisfied click the Save button. The video will reprocess in your Library.

Note: This article is a quick reference guide for users already using the media editor it is a good overview but is not intended a detailed step by step guide, if you need complete instructions click the links below. If you still need assistance, please email the IT Support Center at or call 989-964-4225(x4225).

Video Editor Resources - Echo360 Help Guides

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