EchoVideo: Sync your Videos from Teams/OneDrive to your Library

Overview - Using OneDrive with EchoVideo

Applies to: Faculty

If you are manually downloading videos recordings from your OneDrive and manually uploading them to your EchoVideo library, stop, there is a much simpler workflow. You can set up automatic copying of your recordings stored on your OneDrive to automatically copy to your EchoVideo Library.

This is quick guide on how to set up the OneDrive subscription.

Note: You can add one or more OneDrive subscriptions and publish directly to your Library or to your course.

Map Teams Meeting Recordings on your OneDrive to EchoVideo

Set up a subscription to a folder on your OneDrive

Log into in a supported browser, Google Chrome, Firefox, or the Edge.

  1. Click the gear icon (upper-right),
  2. Click Account Settings.
  3. In the left menu, choose OneDrive.
  4. Select, Add OneDrive Subscription, (see Figure 1.)
    • A list available folders will display:
      • Choose the appropriate folder to subscribe to, (see Figure 2.). Click Next.
        • My Files (OneDrive) Navigate to the OneDrive folder you wish to sync. 
          • To sync your Teams meetings recordings, click My Files, then, the Recordings folder. 
          • Next.
          • Save.
        • Teams (Channel)
          • Select the Team, then the Channel
          • Click Save.
  5. Repeat step 4 for each OneDrive folder/Teams channel that you want to subscribe to.

Figure 1.

​​​​​​Echo360 Add a OneDrive Subscription

Figure 2.

Echo360 Adding a OneDrive Subscription: Choosing My Files or a Team

Select EchoVideo Location to Sync To

  1. Choose from the drop down menu where you want new recordings to publish to, (see Figure 3).
    • Library (default): Copies media to your library, where you can store, manage the media, or share it.
    • Course: You must have a course for the current term, if you do not you can request an EchoVideo course. Mapping to a EchoVideo course will create a new class each time a recording is made and will be seen on the Classes List page. NOTE: A copy of your media will always be stored in your Library.
  2. Click Save Section Settings. Once configured to EchoVideo, new recordings will automatically process to EchoVideo. The time it takes to appear in your Library, depends on the length of the recording and where it is at on the server, you will receive an email notification when its completed.
  3. The sample image below shows the end result after adding the OneDrive Subscription(s), the subscribed folder(s) will display and location you chose to copy new media to. If you have more than 1 folder subscribed, you will see all of them listed.
  4. Once a OneDrive subscription is complete any new recordings/videos will automatically save to EchoVideo.  

IMPORTANT NOTES about a OneDrive Subscription

​​​Figure 3.

Echo360 OneDrive Settings - Subscribed Recordings folder


Alternatively, you can allow EchoVideo content to be viewable within Teams. Follow the instructions in our knowledge article Microsoft Teams: Class Team Activation.

Allow the OneDrive Subscription to Copy Existing Videos

You can trick the system to copy over existing videos already on your OneDrive as long as you have set up a OneDrive subscription already. Follow these steps:

Go to your OneDrive, or bookmark,

  1. Select the videos you want to move, then click the Move to button in the top menu.
  2. Next in the window that opens on your computer screen, click My Files.

    OneDrive Use Move To
  3. Next, locate the Recordings folder, and scroll to find it. Click the folder to open it.

    OneDrive Move Videos to My Files into the Recordings folder
  4. You are done! The videos are moved to My Files > Recordings folder and the videos will automatically copy to your Library in EchoVideo, the time it takes to process depends on the length of the videos and how many other videos are processing.

    OneDrive move here


Get notified to when videos have finished processing and set up In-app Notifications for content processing started/complete, among others that are important to you. These notifications are not emailed to you, so they will not clog up your Inbox.

EchoVideo, Teams, and OneDrive Syncing - Help Articles

If you prefer you may view this article from EchoVideo Support, "Using OneDrive with EchoVideo for Instructors."

New to EchoVideo?

EchoVideo is a lecture capture tool that provides the ability to record your class lectures inside or outside of the classroom, offers automatic scheduling/Live Streaming of your classes, and tools to enhance student learning, your videos can be embedded in Canvas or published to an EchoVideo course. View our article, Getting Started - Quick Guide.

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Article ID: 139586
Thu 11/18/21 11:45 AM
Wed 6/19/24 10:22 AM

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