What is a Presentation in EchoVideo?
A presentation added to a class allows instructors the capability to add interactive capabilities to their existing lecture recording scheduled or to an existing recording published to a EchoVideo course.
A presentation can be a PowerPoint or a PDF that you import from your computer, your Library, or can be created from scratch. The file is converted into an interactive format allowing student to interact and view slides at their own pace. If desired, you can embed interactive elements like media or polling slides that you and students can interact with before, during, and after class. The slides can be hidden until you are ready for students to see them.
To create, upload, or reuse an existing presentation follow the steps in this quick reference guide.
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Add a Presentation (PowerPoint or PDF) to a Class in an EchoVideo course
Instructors and co-instructors can add a presentation to an existing recording or a scheduled recording. Note: If you don't have a EchoVideo course connected to your Canvas course, you will need to request a course(s), fill out the form here.
Assuming you have your EchoVideo course connected to your Canvas course, follow the steps below:
- Click the EchoVideo tab in the Canvas menu.
- On the Classes page, locate the class recording. If the class does not yet have a presentation added, click the raspberry color plus icon.
- From the menu, click Add Presentation.

- Next, choose how you want to import your presentation. There are 3 options, select from the options available:

Note: If you have no PowerPoints or PDFs in your Library, choose Upload a file otherwise, if its already in your Library choose Import from your Library. Definitions of each option are below:
- Upload a file: Upload a PowerPoint or PDF from your computer.
- Import from your library: Existing PowerPoint or PDF.
- Create a new presentation: Blank Presentation. These act as a spacer or "pause" location to have your students do something else rather than watching a video.
- Once your PowerPoint or PDF is added to a class, the file is converted into a interactive format that students will be able to click through at their convenience. Instructors can add interactive elements to the presentation like polls or media slides to gather feedback or access students.

Add Polls / Media Slides to a Presentation
Adding polling and media slides to a presentation adds interactivity providing a cohesive learning experience. Polls can be used in any teaching environment, choose from 5 different poll types (e.g., multiple choice, short answer, image, ordered list and numerical). Polls are beneficial for checking student understanding or gathering feedback. You can hide polls until you are ready for students to see them. Polls are reusable and store in your Library.
All student participation (video views and poll responses) is gathered by the system, click the "
EchoVideo Course Analytics" tab within the Canvas course view and identify student performance.
Follow the steps below to edit a presentation:
- On the Classes List Page in a Course.
- Click the presentation icon, then choose Edit Presentation.
- In the upper-right of your screen, click Add Poll then choose the desired Poll (e.g., Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Image quiz, Ordered List, Numerical), see guides below:
- You can add existing polling slides (all polls created in EchoVideo are reusable) that are stored in your library, see how to import slides from your Library to a presentation.
- When your presentation is available students can answer the polls unless you hide the slides and control when they can respond.
- Students must be at a computer (best experience) or can use their phone to answer a poll.
Hiding Presentation Slides with Polls
- You can hide your polling slides until you are ready for students to participate. NOTE: This has to be done individually to each slide.
- Open the class with the Presentation.
- Select the presentation to make it active, click the waffle menu to view all slides, navigate to the polling slide you want to hide, hover over the slide and look for a eye symbol.
- The grey eye with no strike through it means that students can see and participate in the poll. Click the grey eye to hide the slide from students.

- The red eye with a strike through and means students cannot see the poll.
- Follow the same steps for each slide you want to show or hide from students, grey eye means slide is available for viewing, the red eye means its hidden.
1. Students should use Firefox (the latest version) for the best experience.
2. Ad-Blockers should be turned off if they are enabled in their browser.
3. When responding to a polling slide, a student must choose their answer and click the SUBMIT button otherwise data is not saved.
View how student's respond to polling slides.
4. Students can edit their answers until you close the poll, learn
how to control your polling slides in a presentation.
5. Feedback is provided to students after you close the poll.
Control Polling Slides During Class (Live Stream)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students can edit their answers until you close the Poll.
In a separate browser window, you can control the slides. You must be in the EchoVideo Classroom. DO NOT show this screen to students, the EchoVideo classroom is available on their own computer. Below the polling slide, you can control the functionality of the slide deck.
Documentation: How to Conduct a Presentation with Polls During Class?
Review Student Responses within an EchoVideo course
As a reminder, all polls in your Library can be reused and edited, saving you valuable time. To view student responses click the Polling tab you'll see their participation in real-time. If you plan to push points to the gradebook view how to create an Assignment within Canvas.
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