EchoVideo: Embedding Media in Canvas (create Playlists)


This article covers how to embed media in Canvas content windows by one video at a time or create a Playlist. It is not for an EchoVideo course which is commonly used for scheduled/Live Stream classes or when using the Active Learning Platform (virtual classroom) and its student engagement tools.  

Embedding media in Canvas is a quick way for publishing new videos and getting them in front of your students or for media you are reusing from previous semesters. Allowing them to watch the video right where it was embedded, keeping students in one place. You can embed one video at a time or multi-select videos creating a playlist. with the new EchoPlayer

Click the button below to watch the short video.

Create a Playlist

Article Sections

Advantages of Embedding

Instructions on Embedding Media in Canvas

Creating Embedded Playlists

Create and Manage Embedded Media

View Video Analytics and Engage Students

Additional Resources

Advantages of Embedding

Embedding Videos vs using a EchoVideo Course

All your videos store in your Library, they are always available for you to edit, reuse, or share.

There can be some confusion between what embedding videos in Canvas means vs having an EchoVideo course. With your EchoVideo account, you are provided two different ways of publishing your videos in Canvas.

EchoVideo Course

  • Student access is for the current semester only.
  • Requires faculty to fill out a form each semester.

Embedded Media

  • Student can always access media, there is no expiration.
  • Does not require an EchoVideo course, your user account allows you to embed in Canvas content types.

Primarily used for scheduled classes/Live Stream, provides active learning tools (e.g., Q&A, Discussion, Polling, Confusion flags, etc.) to increase student learning. 

  • Students can access all videos from the EchoVideo link in your Canvas course menu, student availability is only for the current semester.

Primariliy used for reusing media or for posting new personal lectures. There is a Discussion panel where students can ask questions and engage in conversation.

  • Students access the individual videos that you embed in Canvas, students can access as long as the content type is published as well as the Canvas course

Embedded Video Player: Instructor View

EchoVideo New Embedded Player and its Controls inside of an Assignment

If there is a video transcript students can read along as they are watching your video or if applicable a screen reader can read it for them. There is also a Discussion panel to engage students in conversation. If you are not using Discussion, you can turn it off when your embedding your video as Discussion is enabled by default.

NOTE: If Closed Captions have been enabled by the instructor, student(s) can turn CC on the embedded video.

​​Why Embed Videos in Canvas? (recommended when using Modules)

If you use Modules to structure your course material and use EchoVideo videos, we recommend embedding within Canvas (e.g., Assignment, Discussion, Page, etc.). The embedded videos allow students or other users enrolled in your Canvas course to watch your videos. You can embed a standard video player or post a secure video linkThe embedded video player, provides a discussion tool (turned on my default) where students can ask questions and engage in conversation, search a transcript or turn on closed captions.

Note: Each transcript should be viewed/edited for accuracy before applying closed captions. The latest verision of the transcript is what will display.

Once videos are embedded they will always be there saving you time in the future, unless you remove the embedded video on your own. Instructors can monitor video views in their Canvas course or within their Library.

The EchoVideo embedded video player meets accessibility needs with variable speed playback, volume controls, closed captions, and supports a screen reader. The instructor can see who has watched each video in their Library. For a detailed walk through of the video player and its features check out Viewing Embedded EchoVideo Media

  • Embedding videos do not use up your Canvas course storage, they are stored in EchoVideo.
  • Videos can be embedded within Canvas content types (e.g., Assignment, Discussion, Page, Quiz).
  • The embedded player provides Q&A/Discussion for students or instructors to engage in conversation.
  • Embedding your videos has great benefits for faculty to reuse or create new videos without using an EchoVideo course.
  • You can see video views in your library or access video Analytics from the chart icon (bottom-right) of the embedded video, (sample image below).

    EchoVideo embedded player Analytics icon
  • Alternatively, you can view all Analytics for your course from within the left menu of Canvas, look for it at the bottom of your Canvas course menu. 
    Echovideo course analytics Canvas left menu

Benefits of Embedding for Faculty

Embedded Media can be Reused. It can be copied for future semester use without breaking links and you can view user-specific analytics in your library and does not take up the Canvas course storage they are stored in EchoVideo. Before publishing be sure to review/edit the video transcript to ensure it meets ADA Compliance for all viewers.
Describe Your Video. The video title is displayed at the top of the embedded player or a secure video link. Be sure to edit the video title in your library so it displays a proper name when your students view the video for playback, it also makes it easier to find the video in your library for reuse.
Transcript Missing from Embedded Media? If the EchoVideo media was embedded prior to the transcript panel feature being released, or if it is embedded prior to the media having a transcript applied, it may need to be re-embedded to show the transcript.
Did you know? You can embed polling questions directly into a video to check for student understanding without using the Active Learning Platform.

Benefits of Embedding for Students

Provides ease of access to your EchoVideo video/audio media as it plays directly on a Canvas. It reduces confusion by keeping students in the same area, or Module, they started in rather than providing links to content (e.g., External Links, Course Links).
The media player remembers where you left off, video can be resumed or started over.
The transcript is readable and searchable while watching the video.
Embedded media can be viewed on a computer (the player is responsive to screen size) or on a mobile device using the Canvas Student app.

Instructions on Embedding Media in Canvas

Embedding EchoVideo videos in Canvas (view instructions)

Embedding Videos - Tips
  • Pros of embedding videos. As a recap, the benefits of embedding videos are it's quick, videos import to other Canvas courses, and video views can be seen in your library.
  • Hide the EchoVideo tab when embedding videos. ITS recommends hiding EchoVideo from the Canvas course navigation especially if you are using Modules so there is no confusion from students on where to watch your videos. 
  • Student View does not work for EchoVideo. Using Student View will generate an LTI error as the test student does not have login credentials for EchoVideo. 
  • If media is removed from your library a error message displays in Canvas instead of the video player. This is normal because Canvas doesn't know the media has been removed.

View Instructions: Embedding in Canvas

If you prefer to watch a video demonstration, view Embedding Echo360 Media in Canvas. Note: The video doesn't include the latest updates to the easy embed tool, but the remainder of this article does include the latest updates.

Accessing the Easy Embed button in a Content Type
(e.g. Announcement, Assignment, Discussion, Page, Quizzes, and Syllabus)

Echo360 Embed button plug-shaped icon (Apps button) - Rich Content Editor

PRO TIPS for Embedding Content: You can embed one video at a time or multiple and create a Playlist. Watch this short how-to video  Create a media Playlist [2:26].

View Instructions: How-To Embed a Video (Choosing existing content)

  1. Go to the Canvas course, and open an (e.g., Assignment, Discussion, Page, etc.)
  2. Click the  Edit button of the content type. (e.g., Assignment, Discussion, Page, etc.)
  3. In the content window, place your cursor where you would like to embed your media or a secure link.
  4. In the toolbar, click Apps (plug shaped icon) and click Echo360, or if you don't see it click "View all" then click Echo360.
  5. In the window pop up, you will see embedding options. Choose Launch Media Picker.

    EchoVideo Easy Embed - Launch Media Picker
  6. By default, you will see the most recent content, you can also filter in several ways by Type, Courses, Section, Term, and Date (see sample image below, Find your Media)*

 You should always name your video a short concise title so you can locate the video later in your Library. View instructions: Edit your Media Name.


*Find your media (audio, video, interactive media) in several ways.

EchoVideo embedded video launching media

Selecting your Media (audio, video, or interactive media)

  1. You can search by title, or choose other Filter Options, (see image below). After you have located the media, you want to embed. Click the image thumbnail to select it, (you will see a rectangle surrounding your video) Then, click Next.

    EchoVideo Media Selected for embedding
  2. The media you selected shows as a thumbnail with the embedding options to choose from (sample image shown below), select them as appropriate or you can accept the default selections (see sample image below). *
  3. When finished, click "Insert.

    *Embedding options: Choose by Size (640x420 default), Start At, Autoplay (automatically selected Automute), or Link. Important Note: The player size 320x240 (mini player) will not work for videos with polls (interactive media), you will need to use the default player size 640x420. 

    Echo360 Embed window in Canvas

  4. Repeat steps above to add more audio or videos.
  5. Once you are done embedding your video(s) click click Save or Save & Publish as appropriate. if you are not ready for students to see it, click Save.
  6. Once the content type is published, students and users enrolled in your course can watch the embedded video(s) play on their screen. Instructors can monitor the video views in their Library from the Analytics button/chart icon (bottom-right) of the player.
    NOTE: If you selected Autoplay (video will Automute) or Start At configurations for the video, those are enabled for the viewer.
You can post a link to the media instead of embedding it, click the Link slider button. Check out "How to Post a Secure Video Link into a Content Window".

Viewing Media After Embedding

After video(s) are embedded, students can play back and watch the video right on the Canvas content type, you can use the Discussion tool (bottom-left) and quickly access Analytics (bottom-right) directly from the video player, as shown in the sample image below.

EchoVideo Embedded Player Accessing the Dicussion and Analytics

How to Post a Secure Video Link into a Content Window

This method also uses the EchoVideo embed plugin, it creates a secure video link instead of using the embedded player. It is the same procedural steps shown above on how to embed a video in a content window. 

  • In the content window, place the cursor where you want to post the video link.
  • In the toolbar, click the plug-shaped icon, and select EchoVideo, if you don't see it click View all then choose EchoVideo.
  • Search and select your video in the list, to see the different ways you can search for a video stored in EchoVideo watch the video above.
Select the Link option (this is a secure link not public), please refer to how to post a secure link using the EchoVideo embed button in a content window in Canvas.
A secure link only allows students or others enrolled in your Canvas course to view your video(s), media cannot be viewed outside of Canvas.

Quick tips for posting a link

The name of the video link will be the same as the video title. You can edit the media name in your library before posting a link.
Once the content is published, students will click the secure link to playback the video, it will open in a new browser tab. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Firefox browser, the latest version is recommended for viewing video content.

Generate a Secure Link for Embedded Media

EchoVideo Embed Link

Finished Video or Link is Embedded

Once the individual video(s) are embedded with the video player or link.  Users enrolled in your Canvas course can access and view the embedded video.

Videos embedded in Canvas with EchoVideo media tool

  Note: If you selected Autoplay or Start At as embedding options for the video you embedded, those are enacted for users when they watch your video.

Creating Embedded Playlists

Create Playlists

Instructors can now create Playlists when they multi-select EchoVideo content (video and audio). You can enforce the order of the selected videos, prevent users from viewing the next video before watching the previous one, and can choose for the next video to autoplay. 

Article: Creating a Playlist - (

First release features

  • Playlists cannot be edited once they have been saved. 
  • Only audio and video content can be embedded.
    • Note: Interactive media, presentations, and spherical videos will be part of the easy embed tool soon.
  • No Analytics for the playlist yet, however, Analytics for individual media is gathered and can be viewed.

Creating a Playlist

  1. In Canvas, locate the content type (Page, Assignment, Discussion, Quiz, or Announcement) that you want to embed a playlist. 
  2. Select the edit button of the content type, place your cursor where you would like the embedded playlist to display.
  3. Next, look for the plug-shaped icon in the toolbar, then click Echo360. If you don't see it in the menu, click View all. 
    • Note: Once you add Echo360, it will be available next time you use the easy embed tool.
  4. In the window that appears, click Launch Media Picker. Your most recent content will display first. If needed, use the Search text box, or the filter by media Type and by a Date range. 
  5. Click the media names (maximum 50 audio/video files) to embed in your Playlist. Click Next.
  6. Playlist Options window: Name your Playlist, type in a Description and/or Tags. 
    • Turn on the settings for your Playlist.
      • Enforce order - prevents viewing of the next video until the prevous video has been watched.
      • Autoplay Next - the next piece of media in the playlist will start automatically once the other previous media has been viewed in its entirety.
      • Click Next.
  7. Playlist Content window: You can rearrange the media or delete media that you don't want in your playlist.
    • Rearrange the media by clicking the vertical dots (left).
    • To delete media in the playlist click the vertical dots (right).
    • Once you have reviewed the content in your Playlist, click Next.
  8. Embed Options window - Choose from a Player Size, Autoplay/Automute, and Start At time for your Playlist.
    • Player Size - 640 x 420 by default, you may choose a different size from the drop-down menu.
    • Autoplay - If Autoplay is toggle on then Automute is automatically enabled.
    • Automute - The volume icon must be clicked on to hear the sound.
    • Start At - A time other than 00:00:00 will start at the designated time stamp. Viewers can still go rewind/fast forward to view content before or after the time.
    • Click Embed. Important Note: Once you click Embed, you can no longer edit your Playlist. If needed, click the Back button to review your Playlist content or Embed Options.
  9. The Playlist is embedded in the content type (Page, Assignment, Discussion, Quiz, or Announcement).
  10. Once you click Save & Publish, users have access to view the embedded Playlist.

Viewing Media in a Playlist

The Playlist will show the first video of your Playlist by default. To view the Playlist, viewers need to click the menu (left of the video player), see sample image below.

Note: We recommend to view the Playlist in a new browser window, click Expand button (bottom-right of the new player.)

EchoVideo New Player - open playlist     Sample playlist in EchoVideo

Note: Any configurations you selected for "Autoplay" or "Start At" for your Playlist will be applied.

Create and Manage Embedded Media

Create Content

Creating new videos is very simple when your inside of Canvas. You can launch either Universal Capture (requires software installed on your compuer) or Browser Capture, it works online in your web browser (Chrome, MS Edge, or Firefox), on any computer including Chromebooks and Netbooks).

NOTE: Automatic Speech Recognition is enabled for all videos. If you need transcripts for older content that you are going to reuse, you can request a transcript by filling out our EchoVideo Transcript Request form and ITS can request your transcripts for specific videos.

EchoVideo embed - Create Content

Upload Existing Media

You can upload a audio or video file from your computer then embed it in Canvas, all in one single process without having to log into your Library. Start by clicking Upload Media, see sample image below.

EchoVideo Embed - Upload Content

When you upload media and then immediately try to embed the media, and it hasn't finished processing you will see a placeholder "Not Yet Ready," see sample image below. Explore upload and embed media in your LMS/Canvas.

Uploaded media processing not ready yet

How to Remove Embedded Video or Link

To remove embedded video(s) or links to them that are old or no longer needed from a content type in Canvas (e.g., Page, Assignment, Discussion, or Announcement), please follow these quick steps:

  1. Open the module item, and edit the Page, Assignment, Discussion, etc. as you normally would. 
  2. To remove the video there are two methods based on if you embedded the video player or a video link.
    • Embedded a video with text underneath: Put your cursor directly to the left of line before the embedded video, and press backspace on your keyboard. Now you should see your cursor blinking at bottom right corner of the embedded video, again press backspace on your keyboard. The video is removed. Repeat the steps as needed.

    • Embedded link to your video: Click within the link you want to remove then select "Remove Link." The link to the video is removed. Alternatively, you can also highlight the link then press Backspace on your keyboard.

View Video Analytics and Engage Students

How to View Media Analytics in EchoVideo

You can access media analytics from different locations (see screenshots below) in EchoVideo. For specific media, you can access the video Analytics (chart icon, bottom-right) directly from the embedded video itself. To view a consolidated overview of all video views for all media published click the Analytics tab (top menu) next to the blue Create button.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are monitoring video views for embedded media, always refer to the individual media Analytics in your Library for accuracy, or through the consolidated Analytics tab (views are updated hourly). If you are using an EchoVideo course and embedding videos within Canvas, video views will NOT be reported on the course Analytics page. 
How does EchoVideo Track Video Views After a Class? EchoVideo tracks ALL usage (video views) regardless of how it was captured Live Stream or recorded. The data includes student names, total views, total view time (duration), number of times a student joined a Live stream or viewed a recording, and the last viewed Date.

How does Video Analytics work? EchoVideo analytics includes ALL VIEWS whether the students have watched or interacted with the content in the DURING or AFTER class. The video views are updated hourly. 
  • Embedded video player: Click the chart icon (bottom-right), to quickly see video views in your library (sample image below). Note: The mini player doesn't have the Analytics icon or the Expand button shown below.

Echo360 Analytics button bottom-right of the embedded player

Monitoring Discussion in the Embedded Player

The videos or interactive media can be embedded in any content type in Canvas. The Embedded media player features a Discussion panel where you can get your students to engage in the lecture topic.

Echovideo embedded player - Discussion link

  • Click in the Add a comment text box to start a discussion, a comment can be referenced at a specific location in the media.
  • Students can post anonymously when they are apprehensive to ask a question. Instructors will always see who made the post. Click the three ellipses then click Reveal Name.

    Echovideo new embedded player manage comment
  • Instructors can also remove a post as neccessary. A sample could be maybe it doesn't apply to the lesson.
  • Comments can be endorsed using the thumbs up icon  and replies to the topic can be done by clicking the chat bubble icon .
  • Instructors can remove individual comments or an entire discussion.

Echo360 Embedded Player - Discussion panel as an Instructor  

Sample of Discussion panel

Instructor and student will see all comments in the Discussion, any comments that are timestamped will show along with who made the comment. If the comment was posted anonymously, others in class cannot see who made the comment. Only the instructor can see the anonymous post.

EchoVideo embedded player with sample Discussion

For more details, see Monitoring Discussion and Viewing and Participating in Discussion.

Embed a Video with Polling Questions (post to Canvas or an EchoVideo course)

Check for student understanding and embed polls in your video, polls can be created new or reused. You can see poll responses in your Library or download the data. The process also uses the EchoVideo embed plugin using the Interactive Media type. Videos with polls can be embedded in Canvas or published to an EchoVideo course. Learn more about embedded polling in EchoVideo (add polls to a video or a presentation).

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Frequently Asked Questions on Embedding

EchoVideo Embedding FAQs

Below is a list of frequently asked questions on embedding your videos, click the question to view the answer.

I'm recording personal lectures and not recording in a classroom; can I embed the new videos I've recorded?
Do I need an EchoVideo course if I am only recording lectures on my computer?
I'm reusing videos from a previous semester, will videos import to other Canvas courses?
I've uploaded videos made outside of EchoVideo, can I embed them in Canvas?
Can I embed videos that have been shared with me by another instructor?
I have shared videos with another instructor using EchoVideo Collections, can they embed the videos to use in their classes?

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Article ID: 103942
Wed 4/1/20 3:19 PM
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