Canvas Help - Main Page


Canvas is the learning management system used at SVSU. Canvas allows instructors to organize their courses and course content so students can find the materials they need quickly and easily. Canvas includes tools for announcements, assignments, quizzes, grades, discussion and more.


Canvas is the learning management system used at SVSU. Canvas allows instructors to organize their courses and course content so students can find the materials they need quickly and easily. Canvas includes tools for announcements, assignments, quizzes, grades, discussion and more. Canvas integrates with EchoVideo, Teams, OneDrive, and more.

Supported Browsers

For the best experience use the latest version of the following browsers Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.  Use this Canvas Guide page to check your browser version

Note: Safari has limited functionality and may not work. 

Learning Canvas

We offer many workshops for instructors interested in learning about Canvas.  Canvas training is not required, but we do strongly encourage instructors that are new to Canvas to at least attend a Canvas Overview.  As an alternative to live training, you can watch one of our previously recorded Canvas videos.



Import content from another Canvas Course

Accessibility Checker

Canvas Files Quota

If your course or account files exceed the allotted storage space view alternative ways you can share content outside of Canvas. View - Canvas Files Quota

Online Course Evaluations

For information on how to access and set up Online Course Evaluations, click the links on the right or visit the Online Course Evaluation main page.

Media Submissions in Canvas (ensuring student success)

Best practices for ensuring students are successful in using the upload/media tool in Canvas and alternatives to recording video.

Integrations with Canvas – EchoVideo, Teams, OneDrive, and more

  1. EchoVideo: Record in a classroom or on your computer, virtually anywhere, edit your content, and share videos inside of Canvas. Monitor student participation and use various tools to increase student learning. Effectively use Teams and OneDrive in conjunction with EchoVideo. Features Q&A, Discussion, Polling, and more.
  2. Teams: Connect with students 1-1 or through a class meeting. Teams meetings integration makes it easy to create and access Teams Meetings right in the Canvas interface. Features file sharing, screen share, audio/video calls and more. Faculty can add EchoVideo access to Teams, allowing easy access to their Library. Reuse, edit, or create interactive media by adding polls before sharing with students in Cavnas. Add EchoVideo to a Teams Channel students can have quick access to their EchoVideo classes (virtual classroom).
  3. OneDrive: Use OneDrive in Canvas within the Rich Content Editor via Assignments, Modules, and Collaborations. Faculty can use OneDrive with EchoVideo to automatically copy audio or video media to their EchoVideo Library or course/section to streamline publishing for student access.
  • OneDrive Cloud Assignment: Create and share Microsoft 365 file (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) as an Assignment, and assess the submitted Assignment in Speed Grader.
  • Collaborations: Allow students to work together on a specific document using Collaborations.
  • Modules: Add the Microsoft 365 file (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to a Canvas course module using the External tool.
  1. Other App integrations can be found via the plug-shaped icon in the Rich Content Editor, when used the content is embedded directly into the Canvas content type (e.g. Announcement, Assignment, Discussion, Pages, Quizzes, and Syllabus) like EchoVideo, Microsoft 365, Teams, and more.


How do I request multiple sections of my course be combined in Canvas?

You can put in a request to have your courses combined in Canvas through the Canvas Management Console (CMC).
Once you have logged into the CMC:

  1. Click the "Merge Sections" button.
  2. In the Sections column on the left, click the "Add" button to the right of all the courses that should be part of the combined course. 
  3. In the Sections to Merge section on the right, confirm that the courses are listed correctly, and then click the "Click to Merge" button.
  4. Your request will be processed within a day or two.

How can I troubleshoot a feature that is not working in Canvas?

Sometimes, a feature doesn't work properly because the browser that is used to open Canvas is not up to date.  If something isn't working as you expect, try downloading and installing the browser update (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc).  If the browser is up to date and the feature is still not working, login to Canvas using a different browser and try again.



Article ID: 120644
Wed 11/18/20 12:23 PM
Wed 2/26/25 10:08 AM

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