Contact bookstore to sell Mobile licenses and/or remotes
- 6 months REEF (mobile) access
- iClicker + remote with 6 months REEF access
- iClicker 2 remote with 6 months REEF access
*If using remotes, instructors need to attain a base unit to receive remote input. Request Instructor kits on the iClicker website.
Install iClicker Cloud software file on a flash drive to use in classroom.
Set Up an iClicker Cloud Course
- Open iClicker Cloud.
- Log in.
- Click the add New Course button.
- Choose a Course Discipline and type a name for the course. Click Create.
- Click the more button and select settings.
- Set other course options, then click the Integrations tab.
- Turn on LTI-based Gradebook Integration.
- Click the Copy Link Button.
- Click Save.

- Log in to Canvas.
- Open your Canvas Course.
- Go to Settings, then Navigation
- Enable i-Clicker Cloud.

- Go to Assignments.
- Add an assignment
- Set assignment details like points, etc.
- Choose assignment type, External Tool
- PASTE the LTI link that was in iClicker Course integration.
- Select the box to LOAD THIS TOOL IN A NEW TAB.

- Save and Publish
- Click Next.
- Copy the LTI link to use while connecting an iClicker Cloud Course to Canvas, below.
- Click Save.
Student Instructions
- Students must open the Assignment created above.
- They will then click a button to open iClicker into a New Window.
- The Student will log in to iClicker and be entered into the student REEF application for the connected course.
- If the instructor has started a Poll or Quiz, the student will have a Join button to start participating in the Poll or Quiz.

Syncing Grades from iClicker Cloud to Canvas
After polling or quizzing the instructor will go to the Gradebook in the online version of iClicker Cloud and Sync Grades. The sync status will be green for students who have already opened the Canvas Assignment. Theses students’ grades will be synced.

The total iClicker grade, so far this semester, will be synced each time the Sync Grades button is clicked, and the previous grade will be replaced.

This is a view of the Canvas Gradebook after syncing successfully from iClicker Cloud.