Create and access Teams meetings while remaining in the Canvas interface.
In This Article
Integrate Teams Meetings (Must be completed for EACH course)
- Open the course you would like to use Teams Meetings in.
- Choose settings from the course menu.

- Select the Integrations tab.
- Use the expand button next to Microsoft Sync.

- Use the Slider to the right of Microsoft Sync to turn the Sync On. When Sync is on, the icon is green and the circle shifted to the right.
- Click the Sync Now button.

Note that when syncing Canvas to Teams, a Microsoft Teams Class Team is created with a title matching the course name. Students cannot see the class team until you activate it. We do not recommend activating the Team since you don't need it to host meetings and many of the functions are LMS functions that would duplicated what is already available in Canvas. The Team, along with the Chat history (recordings, transcripts, attendance, conversation, etc.), for each meeting, can be accessed within the Teams app.

- Click the Navigation tab.
- Ensure that Teams Meetings is enabled for the course navigation.
- Scroll down to click Save.

Create/Access Teams Meetings
Note that the Teams Meetings Canvas integration is used differently than the Echo360 Canvas integration. Follow the instructions below to take advantage of all the features the integration provides. The integration is not accessible from the plugin icon within Canvas Pages.
- Select the Teams Meetings tool in the Canvas course.
- Click Sign in, if necessary, and complete your login to MS Teams.

- Click New Meeting at top right.

- To automatically add all rostered students, click the Add entire class link.
You will see a name listed that says, "Microsoft Graph". "Microsoft Graph Spoke" is a tool that Teams uses within the Canvas integration to pass data for Microsoft. Leave the name in the list and review the rest of the names to be sure all necessary students, as well as yourself, will be invited.

- Note that if students are rostered to the Canvas class after you create the meeting, they will not be added to the meeting automatically. You will need to click the "Add entire class" link again once students have added/dropped to be sure the list of invited students is accurate. See the section on editing a meeting, below.
It is your preference whether you want to make day by day meetings until the drop/add period is over, or if you want to continue editing course meetings and using the Add Entire Class button. Students get an email each time you click that button. Only the appointment title is included. The course name will only appear in the invite email of you manually type it into the meeting title.
- Complete the rest of the meeting details. Note the opportunity to repeat the meeting.
- Guests aren't added to the meeting automatically. Type guest email addresses into the attendee field. Notes about guests:
- includes teachers/students/guests who are using Canvas with an email address other than
- includes students/teachers with an email address who are not members of the Canvas course
- includes guest speakers who don't have access to Canvas
- guests will be emailed the link to the meeting
- Click the Send button.

- Each meeting, including all occurrences of a reoccurring appointment will appear in:
- The Canvas Teams Meetings tool
- Your Teams app calendar
- Your Outlook calendar
- These meetings DO NOT appear in the Canvas Calendar
- From the Canvas Teams Meetings tool, select the Menu button (...), then select Meeting options. This opens a new browser tab with optional settings.

- Suggested: If you don't want students joining the meeting without you available, select "Only me" from the "Who can bypass the lobby?" dropdown.
- Suggested: If you don't want students to have the ability to start/stop the meeting recording or mute other students, select "Only me" from the "Who can present?" dropdown.
- Click Save.
- Return to the Canvas tab and continue developing your course.

Edit the Meeting
As noted above, if students are rostered to the Canvas class after you originally create the meeting, they will not be added to the meeting automatically. You will need to click the "Add entire class" link again once students have added/dropped to be sure the list of invited students is accurate.
- To make changes to the title, attendee list, date, time, location or meeting details, find the meeting in the Teams Meetings list. Use the Month dropdown option at the top left of the Teams Meetings list. You may need to change the month view to see an upcoming instance of a repeating appointment.
- Select Edit.
- Choose if you would like to edit just the current occurrence, or, if this is a repeating meeting, to edit the entire series.

- Make the needed changes.
- Updating currently rostered students:
- While editing the entire series of a Teams Meeting, note that some students who have recently added the class will not appear in the attendee list and students who have dropped will still appear in the attendee list. Click the Add entire class link.

- Click Continue to remove the current, incomplete list and replace it with the new list of rostered students.

- Guests and other additional attendees will need to be re-added to the attendee field.
- When you use the Add entire class button to update the attendee list, students who have dropped the class will be removed from this list and will have the meeting removed from their Outlook and Teams calendars.
- If you don't use the Add entire class button to update the attendee list, students who have added the course recently will not be added to the attendee list. Also, student who have dropped the course will not have the meeting invite removed from their Outlook or Teams calendars and could use the meeting link to join the meeting.
5. Note that all students now appear in the attendee list.

6. Click Send update.
Delete a Meeting
- Find the meeting in the Teams Meetings list, then select the Menu button (...).
- Hover over Cancel then choose if you want to delete the displayed Occurrence or the entire Series.

If a meeting is needed for most weeks of the semester, but not all, it is a good idea to set the meeting up as a recurring meeting for the entire semester, and then go back through and Cancel->Occurrence for the meetings you will not be holding. When you cancel an occurrence, the appointment is removed from the Outlook and Teams calendars. Students also get an email for each occurrence that is canceled. And those messages are in your Sent Items so you can see what was sent.
Prepare to Join a Meeting
Video on how to log in to Teams Online to avoid being placed in the meeting as a guest.
- It is preferred that you use the Teams Desktop Version or, if on mobile device, use the Mobile App - download and install MS Teams.
- If you are not able to use the Teams Desktop Version or Mobile App, you will use the online Teams interface by following these instructions:
- If using the online Teams interface, open a web browser.
- Go to the address .
- Log in and authenticate.

Join a Meeting
- After you have logged in to Teams Desktop Version, Mobile App or the online version, keep the Teams app open (it can be minimized).
- Open a new tab in a web browser, then log in to Canvas.
- Open the Course.
- Click the Teams Meetings tool. Alternatively you can find the appointment in your Outlook Calendar and click the Join button there.
- Click the Join button, in the tile, for the wanted class meeting.

- A new browser tab will open with an overlay asking to Open Microsoft Teams. It is recommended to continue by clicking the Open Microsoft Teams button. Note that some Teams features, like Breakout Rooms, Transcripts and Remote Control are only available in the Desktop Version.
- If you can't use Teams Desktop Version, and have opened Canvas into a web browser, choose the Continue on this browser button to open the meeting.

- Be sure to ALLOW the mic and camera if prompted.
- UPON JOINING the meeting, please mute your microphone until it is your turn to speak. This will help reduce audio interruptions.
- Click the Join Now button.

Meeting Recordings
Note that meeting recordings count towards the total 1 Tb of storage space available per user.
Meeting recordings expire after 120 days. It is recommended that you move the file from your OneDrive->Recordings folder to Echo360.
You will know a video is going to expire because:
- Everyone with view access will see a notification about the expiration date in the recording chiclet in the Teams chat window.
- Everyone with view access will see a red icon next to the file in your OneDrive folder 14 days before the file expires.
- The file owner will receive an email notification when the recording expires and will be directed to the recycle bin to recover it if needed.
Start/Stop the Recording
- After joining the meeting, select the More actions (...) button and choose Start recording.
- This will start both the recording and the transcription.
- Anything that is said during the meeting will automatically be transcribed.
- To stop the transcription while the meeting is being recorded:
- Select the More actions button and choose Stop transcription.
- Note that the transcription stops automatically when the recording is stopped.

- To stop the recording and transcription:
- Leave the meeting.
- Select the More actions button and choose Stop recording.
Viewing the Recording
Note that it could take a while to process the recording. A one hour meeting recording may take 1/2 hour or more to process and will not be available until processing has completed. Recordings are stored in the OneDrive->Recordings folder. The person who started the recording owns the recording. If someone other than the instructor starts the recording, the video will be stored in their OneDrive, not the instructor's. To prevent this, please see instructions on setting Meeting Options so that only the instructor is a Presenter in the meeting.
There are multiple ways to get to the meeting recording. You can launch the recording from:
Launch Recording from Canvas
- Click the Teams Meetings link from the Canvas Menu.
- Use the calendar tool to select the date that the meeting occurred on.

- Use the More menu to select Chat with participants.

- The web version of Teams will begin to open.
- The tab may be blocked by a Pop-Up Blocker. Find the pop-up message, in your browser, and select to Always allow pop-ups and redirects from

- You may be asked to log in or authenticate. Complete any login steps required.

- Select the Chat tool, on the left.
- Select the Chat tab, on the top.
- The Chat tab displays:
- The conversation that occurred during the meeting session.
- Continued conversation that may occur after the meeting ends.
- A tile for the meeting Recording.
- A tile to view or download the Transcription.
- A tile to download the Attendance Report.

- To watch the recording, click on the center of the video thumbnail.
- You may be asked to type your SVSU email address. Then click Next.

- A OneDrive tab opens and displays the video player. The video is shared to all students who were invited to the meeting. See more about sharing the recording, below.

Launch a Recording from Teams
- Open the Teams app.
- Navigate to the chat for the Team meeting.
- Click the Recap tab.
View more about Meeting Recap in Teams at this Microsoft Support Page.
Launch a Recording from Outlook Calendar
- Open the Outlook Calendar.
- Navigate to the meeting event.
- Click on the meeting.
- Choose View Recap
- Find the Meeting Recording listed in the Recap tile of the Meeting window.
View more about Meetin Recap in Outlook at this Microsoft Support Page.
Sharing the Recording
Note that sharing permissions of a meeting recording are set to only those people who were invited to the meeting. If you invited the entire class, then the entire class will have access to view the video file. If you only invited 2 students to the meeting, just those 2 students will have access to view the video file. Video files are stored in OneDrive->Recordings folder of the person who started the recording. The sharing permissions can be managed for a video file much the same way that permissions are set for other files in OneDrive. See this MS support article for instructions on sharing a recording.
If a student had been invited to a meeting, but was not able to attend, the meeting recording file will be shared to them. They can access it in the same manner as described above.
View this MS Support article on managing meeting transcripts.
View the Related Articles list for more Knowledge Articles on how to use MS Teams.
How-To Videos
Integrate Teams Meetings
Create a Teams Meeting Within Canvas
Teams Meeting Options
Edit a Teams Meeting Within Canvas
Join a Meeting
Meeting Recordings