To recover missing or deleted content in your course, see the steps below.
1. Open your course, then in the address bar in your browser you will see the URL of your course https://canvas.svsu.edu/courses/courseidnumber
2. After the course id type in /undelete it should look like this image below.

3. Press enter on your keyboard.
4. On the Restore Deleted Items page, you will see a list of all items that were deleted in your course. You may need to to scroll the page.
5. Once you have located the item you want to restore, click the "restore" button.

6. You will see a message window pop up asking you to confirm the restore with the name of item you are restoring (example image below) click "OK".

7. Your item is restored to its original location.
8. Repeat steps 5-6 if you are restoring more than one item.
Note: If you do not see the item you want to restore on the Restore Deleted Items
page, you may need to scroll the page or click through additional pages at the bottom.
Additional Canvas Help
Canvas Help related articles can be found on the right side of the page. If you cannot find the content you want to restore, please email support@svsu.edu or call 989.964.4225.