What is Student View in Canvas?
It is a feature in Canvas that allows instructors to see what students see in your course. An instructor can delete the Test Student through the course Settings/Sections tab:
Note: When using student view, a Test Student account will be automatically created and you will see this Test Student account in your grade book.
1. Open your course in Canvas, click Settings at the bottom left menu
2. Next, click on the Sections tab.
3. Click on the Sections tab to see the list of users in that section.
* Helpful tip: If the course has multiple sections cross-listed, the Test Student should be in the "main" section.

4. Locate the Test Student (scroll to the bottom of list) and hover your mouse cursor over it, your selection will highlight with a light grey box to reveal the "X" icon (delete). Click on the "X" icon to delete the Test Student.
5. You will receive a confirmation message asking if you are sure you want to delete the student - click OK.
The test student is removed from your course. Repeat steps 1-5 for each course you want to remove the test student from.

NOTE: Each time you use the Student View, the Test Student will be recreated.
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