This article outlines the steps in accessing and setting up your Online Course Evaluation at SVSU within Canvas.
Important Notes for setting up an Online Course Evaluation
- Faculty members can set up their evaluation dates themselves through Canvas. The start and end dates MUST be set up BEFORE Tuesday of exam week. Below is the time frame that you can expect your Online Course Evaluation to be available in your course(s).
- Fall/Winter: 75 days before the end of the semester. Evaluations must be set up by the Tuesday of finals week.
- Spring/Summer: By the third week of classes. Evaluations must be set up the last week of classes.
- Student View in Canvas does not work with Online Course Evaluations (more info below).
Access Online Course Evaluations (EvaluationKit)
There are a few ways to access EvaluationKit. Below are two of the most common methods. If you do not see the links shown below, try a different browser and that usually solves the problem.
Method One – Online Course Evaluation Widget
Log into your course in Canvas.
On the course Home page, scroll down and look for the Online Course Evaluation Widget at the bottom of the far-right column.

Click the link in the widget to access EvaluationKit.
Method Two - Profile
Log into Canvas and click on "Account."

Click on "Profile."
Now click on "Course Evaluations."
NOTE: It sometimes takes a few seconds for the "Course Evaluation" link to show up, so wait if you don't see it right away.
If you have a student role in any courses for the semester, you will automatically be entered into EvaluationKIT with the Student/Respondent role. Click on the drop-down and choose “Instructor” to enter the instructor role. If you are only an instructor in courses for the semester, you will already be in the instructor mode and can skip this step.

Access the Semester's Evaluations
Look for the "Manage Courses" section towards the top of the page, and click on the link to access the semester's course evaluations ("Fall 2021 Course Evaluations" in the example below).

If there is no link available in the Manage Courses section, then it is either too soon or too late to set up your online course evaluations. Each semester’s evaluation project is added during the 3rd week of the semester and is removed on the Tuesday of exam week. You will need to set up your Online Course Evaluations AFTER the third week of the semester but BEFORE the Tuesday of exam week.
After clicking on the semester course evaluation link as shown above, click the “View” icon to the right of the current semester’s project:

Set Evaluation Dates
Click the “Edit” icon to the right of the course you want to set an evaluation up for:
Enter the dates you want the evaluation to be available to your students: Click in the box below “Course Start Date” to open the widget (1). Choose the correct date by clicking on the appropriate day on the calendar (2). Slide the Hour and Minute sliders to select the correct time (3). Click the “Done” button to save your changes (4).
Change the "Course End Date" in the same way.
You will now see the Course Start and End dates listed in the boxes. If the dates are correct, click the “Save” button to save and publish the evaluation.
Confirm Online Course Evaluations are Set Up
“Student View” in Canvas will not work with Online Course Evaluations, so you will NOT be able to log into Student View and see if the evaluations are available to students. The only way you will know that evaluations are available to students is to check the Online Course Evaluation Widget. Go to the Home page of your course in Canvas and look in the bottom right corner to find the widget:

This widget will show you the Start and End dates you set for the evaluation, as well as the response rate. If the start and end dates here are the same (the end of the semester), then your evaluations are not set up.
Evaluation Response Rate Tracker
On the right side of the EvaluationKit home page is the Response Rate Tracker. This allows you to see how many students have taken the evaluation. You won’t see names or details, just the percentage of students who have completed it.
You can click on the evaluation title within the Response Rate Tracker to see more details.

EvaluationKit for Students
A link to the evaluation is added to your course for your students to access it. Students will also receive a pop-up notification when they log into your course, letting them know there is an evaluation for them to take.

Students will have the “Do It Later” option to put off completing the survey up until 3 days before it’s due. At that point, the “Do It Later” button will be removed, and students will be required to fill out the evaluation before they can access anything else in your course.