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View this quick guide to learn more about the latest enhancements to EchoVideo (Echo360), hotfixes and new features.
EchoVideo's Universal Capture Personal software allows you to record synchronous or asynchronous lectures. This guide covers how to install the software on your computer.
Classroom Capture will record everything you do on the computer screen and audio, there is not a camera so you will not be recorded teaching at the podium computer. This article walks you through the steps when you have scheduled classes with Classroom Capture installed in the podium computer. If you requested Live Stream to be enabled your students can view your class meeting(s) remotely.
Learn how to share and publish media to an EchoVideo course which utilizes the Active Learning Platform. Media published to a course are listed on the Classes list page. All students and others enrolled in your Canvas course will have access to your content.
You can use the EchoVideo mobile app as a student to view and participate in class content on the go.
This article shows you how to activate your Class Team in the Microsoft Teams app so that all students are added from your Canvas course. You can schedule synchronous meetings, collaborate, screen share, use break out rooms and more.
Learn how to access and manage your EchoVideo course media.
Explore how to engage students with polls by embedding them in a video or a presentation (PowerPoint or PDF). Create polls from scratch, edit, and reuse them in your presentations or videos. Refine and increase student learning and engagement with embedded polls and use them in your synchronous or asynchronous classes.
EchoVideo LTI error: Looks like no content has been added to this class yet occurs when content is trying to be viewed out of term or the instructor has made it unavailable to view.
Explore how to view and access EchoVideo inside of Microsoft Teams. You can open EchoVideo from the left menu in Teams or add it as an app to a Teams Channel.