SVSU ITS Security Policies Main Page


This page includes all SVSU ITS Security policies categorized into sections. Not all policies are viewable to the public, so some links may not work for everyone. If you have a specific question you can reach out to ITS for more information, at x4225.



The purpose of this page is to provide a central location for all Saginaw Valley State University's Information Technology Security-related policies. Each section is relatable and categorized, the titles are clickable and will redirect you to the corresponding Information Security Policy.

Who is affected by these policies?

These policies apply to all University faculty and staff, students, alumni, vendors, or anyone utilizing SVSU information technology services.  

Please Note: Some policies are private and others are only available after logging in. If you have a specific question on a policy, please submit an IT ticket and we will address any concerns or needs, or call x4225. 

*Policies are numbered in the following manner: The first number is a category number, the second number is a subsection number and the last number indicates the revision number of that specific policy.  

Risk Management
Account and Access 
Data Retention / Network Servers and Storage Security
Internal ITS
Enterprise Applications



Article ID: 150811
Mon 4/3/23 3:06 PM
Wed 7/26/23 9:52 AM