Alumni Email Policy (1.3-1)


This policy details alumni email access.

Policy / Procedure

Alumni Email 

  • SVSU alumni are granted access to a SVSU email account. 
  • It is required to change the password yearly.  If the password is not changed yearly, the email account will be deactivated.  
  • They may access email using the Email option under Quicklinks on the SVSU main web site. 
  • Alumni may forward email out to another email system if they choose.
  • Alumni who graduated prior to December of 2002 and who have not been granted access to an SVSU email account during or after Fall of 2002, need to contact the Alumni Relations Office to have their previous SVSU email account re-activated or a new one created. 
  • In addition to degree attaining students, College of Education certification graduates are considered as alumni. For purposes of this policy the following apply to these certification graduates:
    • Only certification students who graduated after June 30, 2000 are eligible.
    • Certification students who graduated prior to 2004 and who have not been granted access to an SVSU email account after Winter 2004, need to contact the Alumni Relations Office to have their previous SVSU email account re-activated or a new one created.
  • Also, in addition to degree attaining students, College of Education endorsement recipients are considered as alumni starting in June 2014. For purposes of this policy the following apply to these endorsement recipients:
    • Only endorsement recipients who were recommended after September 1, 2009 are eligible.
    • Endorsement recipients who were recommended prior to 2014 and who have not been granted access to an SVSU email account, need to contact the Alumni Relations Office to have their previous SVSU email account re-activated or a new one created.
  • Alumni who want to change their personal information and/or username due to a legal name change, need to contact the Registrar's Office, Alumni will be required to provide appropriate ID verification information. The username change will be processed by IT Services.

Deactivation Requests

Alumni who no longer want to have an active SVSU email account may submit a deactivation request from their SVSU email account to:  IT Support will follow the Alumni Email Deactivation Procedure.

Alumni Account Questions/Requests for Activation

All requests for information regarding alumni email accounts will be directed to the Alumni Relations Office,, 989-964-4196.

Alumni Email Account Password Information

Password self service functions are accessible by using the “Change Network Password” link under Quicklinks on the main SVSU web site.  Prior to logging into email for the first time, alumni must activate their account by selecting the “Activate New Account” option.  Please refer to the Password Change Policy link available on the Change Network Password site for additional password information. 

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Article ID: 104593
Tue 4/7/20 1:18 PM
Fri 12/1/23 8:27 AM