Student Technology Access Policy (1.1-1)


This policy explains when technology access is granted and removed for students.

Policy / Procedure

Student Services Gain Access Lose Access
Email, mySVSU Portal and Learning Management System (LMS) within 24 hours of being admitted or readmitted to SVSU

Students who do not register in the semester they are first admitted or register then drop all their courses (no show students) lose access the middle of the first semester for which they are admitted.  Spring and summer no show students retain services until the middle of the next fall semester.  Deactivations are run in February and October.

All other students lose access at the end of the add/drop period of the fall or winter semester that marks the seventh consecutive semester in which the student has not registered.

Network, Storage Space (OneDrive, Personal Web Page) within 24 hours of being admitted or readmitted to SVSU, except OneDrive which is within 24 hours of registering The middle of the first fall or winter semester in which the student does not register and is not registered for a future semester.  Deactivations are run in February and October.
TheCard (SVSU ID card) Students receive TheCard during housing check-in, during the Fresh Start program or 24 hours after registering. TheCard is deactivated at the end of the add/drop period in the fourth consecutive semester in which the student does not register.  Spring and summer semesters count as one semester for purposes of this policy.
Ryder Center Students casn use TheCard for access 24 hours after registering.

In fall semester, lose access if not registered for fall semester.

In winter semester, lose access if not registered for winter semester.

In spring semester, lose access if not registered for one of the upcoming summer, fall, winter or spring semesters.

In summer semester, lose access if not registered for one of the upcoming fall, winter, spring or summer semesters.


  • Each semester starts the first day of classes for the semester and lasts through the day prior to the start of classes for the next term.
  • If a student drops all their classes for a semester without a grade, they are not considered registered for that term as of the day after dropping their last class.
  • The student username generated for accessing the services outlined in this policy will be the same for accessing all services requiring a username.
  • Student eligibility for services will be evaluated and services discontinued as appropriate during Fall and Winter semesters, except for Campus Recreation/Ryder Center access, which is evaluated daily.  For eligibility purposes, students who have an incomplete or missing grade from one of the previous 4 semesters will be considered as registered for the current semester, except for Campus Recreation/Ryder Center access.
  • Immediate revocation of access to Campus Recreation/Ryder Center is controlled by tagging the user accordingly in the Fusion recreation management software. This tagging overrides any access triggered by communications from the Colleague ERP system.
  • Delta students in SVSU housing are granted access like registered SVSU students within 24 hours of being tagged as such in the Technology Access System and retain access to these services until within 24 hours after having their tag removed.  Auxiliary Services communicates activations and deactivations to IT Services.
  • Individuals who are participating in a course via a “Listener Permit” and need access to technology services, will be handled manually not via the automated routines which enforce this policy. Individuals in this category will be granted access to the network, email, and LMS, (not mySVSU), for the semester to which the course applies, normally within 5 business days of submitting the completed Listeners Permit form to the Campus Financial Services Center.  The individual will be contacted by IT Services when access setup is complete.
  • Students requiring special consideration for access to services that they would otherwise lose eligibility for based on this policy, may request such consideration via the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar has the capability to extend services by using a term override code to allow the student to retain services until the term specified is reached.  If the student does not register for the term specified, the student will lose eligibility that term. This does not apply to TheCard and Campus Recreation/Ryder Center access services.
  • Students wanting to change their username due to a legal name change, need to complete and submit a Student Data Change form to the Registrar’s Office. The username change will be processed as soon as possible.
  • Alumni who do not have access to SVSU email services may request access by contacting the Alumni Relations Office. Alumni may retain access to a SVSU email and LMS services indefinitely. In addition to degree attaining students, College of Education certification graduates and endorsement recipients are considered as alumni (see the Alumni Email Policy for details).


Details of Processing

Daily Activation

Within 24 hours of being admitted or re-admitted, a student will have a username generated or reactivated and the following services activated:

  • mySVSU Portal
  • Self Service
  • email
  • Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Network, including web page and OneDrive, O365 Suite download and computer labs

Within 24 hours of registering for classes, a student will have the additional services activated:

  • TheCard 
  • Campus Recreation/Ryder Center

Daily Deactivation

Campus Recreation/Ryder Center access will be deactivated for students daily based on their registration status and depending on the current semester.  For Fall semester, students not registered for Fall will have access deactivated.  For Winter semester, students not registered for Winter will have access deactivated.  For Spring and Summer semesters, students not registered for at least one semester in the current year will be deactivated. This deactivation process is controlled by the Fusion recreation management software based on data from the ERP system. 

End of the Add/Drop Period Deactivation

  • For Fall, Winter and Spring semesters, students who have registered for a previous semester and have not registered during the past 4 semesters ending with the current semester and are not registered for a future semester, will have their TheCard deactivated.  (SP/SU counts as one semester) This deactivation process is controlled by CFSC in TheCard system based on data from the ERP system.
  • For Fall and Winter semesters, students who have registered for a previous semester, have not registered during the past 7 semesters ending with the current semester, and are not registered for a future semester, will have their mySVSU, email, and LMS privileges deactivated. (Network should already be deactivated; SP/SU counts as one semester) These students will also have any information they populated on the "Personal Information Release" Self Service screen removed.  Students will receive an email message alerting them of the pending deactivation two weeks prior to the actual deactivation.
  • If a student drops all their classes after the notification email is sent and prior to the deactivation, they will lose access without receiving the notification email.

Fall and Winter Mid Semester Deactivation

Students will receive an email message alerting them of the pending deactivation two weeks prior to the actual deactivation.  If a student drops all their classes after the notification email is sent and prior to the deactivation, they will lose access without receiving the notification email.

No Show Students

  • Students who were admitted for the current semester and are not registered for the current or a future semester, or registered then dropped all courses and are not registered for a future semester, will have the following privileges deactivated: (No-Shows for SP/SU will have privileges deactivated during Fall processing)
    • mySVSU Portal
    • Self Service
    • Email
    • LMS
    • Network, including web page and OneDrive, O365 Suite download and computer labs

Returning Grad Students

  • Students who have registered for a previous semester and are not registered for the current or a future semester, will have network privileges deactivated.
  • Students who have an incomplete or missing grade from one of the previous 4 semesters will be considered as registered for the current semester.

For all constituents ever assigned an SVSU username, related information contained in Active Directory (AD) is updated from the ERP system daily.  Those with mySVSU, email and network deactivated will be disabled in AD.


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Article ID: 133727
Mon 6/28/21 4:11 PM
Fri 12/1/23 10:41 AM