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    Compliance with 508 standards should always be a priority for those creating course and web page content.  Whatever the system your content is being distributed from, ensure that uploaded media meets accessibility standards.
    Learn methods to create content and the several ways. All media stores in your Library can be reused and published on Canvas to a EchoVideo course or embedded in Modules.
    Use Acrobat Pro to create, export, edit, combine, and compress PDFs, add and prepare fillable fields, and use Adobe Scan to digitize and share documents.
    SVSU staff and faculty have access to Adobe Creative Cloud software suite through their login credentials. The Enterprise license for Adobe includes a full suite of over 20 applications for graphic design, video editing, web development, and Acrobat Pro for editing PDFs. This guide covers how to install the Adobe Creative Cloud software suite.
    Follow these steps to create a PDF for a Colleague report
    Explore how to engage students with polls by embedding them in a video or a presentation (PowerPoint or PDF). Create polls from scratch, edit, and reuse them in your presentations or videos. Refine and increase student learning and engagement with embedded polls and use them in your synchronous or asynchronous classes.