Account Access & Permissions

Service Description

SVSU places high importance on security of technology and data resources.  One security measure requires individual user accounts with strong/complex passwords and to have proper access to data and resources. Most resources will require a supervisor or department leader to issue/approve the request.

Student Accounts

  • New accounts are created upon students being admitted to SVSU.

Employee Accounts

  • New employee accounts are created, once all official employment paperwork is completed in HR.

New Account Activation

  • Click the link above to find instructions for First Time Activation Requirements, password rules, and enrolling for self-service password reset. 
  • All new accounts are automatically created for admitted students and new employees.
  • Every new account requires activation, where it requires a new complex password be established along with self-service recovery options.
  • Do not forget to enroll for Multi-Factor Authentication.

Request Access to Existing Resources

Supervisors of various technology resources may submit a request to provide individuals access or permission to specified resources.  Click Create Ticket above to start the process. 


Related Services, Policies and Procedures


Create Ticket

Related Articles (1)

Employees that are hired, change roles or responsibilities, or leave university employment, often have different kinds of technology access/permissions that may need to change.  This may include a change or revocation of access to different resources, change of computer systems and/or relocation of equipment. To ensure smooth transitions, it is important for supervisors to consider and request changes in advance.

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