Search114 Results

Services or Offerings?
New accounts, requests for access to department shares, email, or other technology resources.

Non-person related calendars, e.g. meeting/conference rooms, audio-visual equipment, project, or vacation calendars.

Canvas is SVSU's Academic Learning Management System. Occasionally, non-academic departments use Canvas for Administrative Training.

Classroom technology is crucial to learning, report issues with it here.

If you have general questions about Classroom Technology, use this service.

SVSU currently supports Azure, Amazon (AWS) and Office 365 Cloud Services.

If you have data in Colleague that needs to be changed and it cannot be done via a Colleague form/mnemonic, create a service request under this category.

If you find two or more records in Colleague for the same person, please report it so IT Services can mark one as a duplicate.

If you need general assistance with Colleague, use this service.

In Colleague, a record can only be viewed by one person at a time. If you are trying to view a record and get an error indicating that it's locked, first try contacting the person specified who has the record open. If you are unable to resolve the issue yourself, create a ticket.

Request Colleague items to be moved from test1 to production or from development to test1. (ITS use only)

Request assistance with Colleague printing and/or EasySpooler.