Cardinal Success Story (News & Media Campus Communication)

Please Note: University Communications now uses Creative Hub for all their requests. Clicking "Request Service" will direct you to the new request page, please update any bookmark you have to their new system. 

Help us tell the stories of our amazing people

Story telling — it's how a place comes alive. For a university, it is how we proudly tell and show others about our successes, opportunities and experiences — in the classroom, on the campus and in the greater community (and perhaps even around the world).

We’d love for you to help us tell the SVSU story. We know the best way for people to understand why SVSU is such a great place is to show them our amazing people and what they do. So, we are asking you to tell us who would make a great story — because they exemplify what SVSU stands for and they represent the spirit, commitment, and accomplishments important to SVSU. These are people who might be current and past faculty and staff, students, alumni, donors, community supporters and many others. You can even nominate yourself! Don’t be shy if you think you have a great story to tell. 

Filling out this brief form will allow us to develop an electronic “index card” system for individuals who might later be contacted and interviewed for stories. Developing a library of potential story subjects will help us build a positive perception and reputation for SVSU. We realize you may not have at hand all the information requested on this form. That’s okay — just fill in as much as you can and we’ll take it from there.

Thank you in advance for making us aware of people who illustrate what makes SVSU the amazing place that it is!

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