EchoVideo: What's New for Instructors - Quick Start Guide


View this quick guide to learn more about the latest enhancements to EchoVideo (Echo360), hotfixes and new features.


Overview - New Enhancements, New Workflows in EchoVideo

The page contains a overview of EchoVideo's Releases and Enhancements:  A new Video Player seen across the platform excluding Live Streams, create embedded Playlists, choose Virtual Backgrounds when recording with Browser Capture, and several visual improvements that provide simplier workflows improving accessibility.

Review the Roadmap releasesComing soon in 2025 are Live Captions, custom dictionaries, a new mobile app and more.
Article sections

Updated Login Page (

You will see the raspberry color theme when you visit and implemented in areas throughout the rest of the platform.

EchoVideo main login page new look

New EchoPlayer (except for Live Streamed Classes)

Across your Library, EchoVideo course (Active Learning Platform), or an embedded video you will see consistency with the same interface with similar player controls. Some new improved capabilities include:

  •          New layout tools for multi-channel content
  •          Responsive design down to mobile device sizes
  •          Additional filtering tools in the Notes and Discussions

Classroom EchoPlayer

Previously all Classroom Engagement tools were in a top menu that you could select to open and close. Now the tools show in the right panel (sample image).

EchoVideo Classroom Player for Instructors

Note: If you don t have your class available for students you will not see the Discussion or Transcript panels.

Embedded EchoPlayer

The sample image below shows how you can embed video lessons within an Assignment content type in Canvas. This method is using the easy embed tool that is found in any content type Assignment, Announcement, Discussion, Quiz, Page, or Syllabus. Just look for the plug shaped icon in the toolbar while in editing.

The embedded video player has the same player controls, the only difference there is a Discussion Link in the bottom left corner of the video player. The benefits of the Discussion is allowing students to comment on the content in the video, they can comment publicly or anonymously and even reference the location of where they are making their comment. The instructor will always see the student name even if they post anonymously. The image below shows an example of an embedded video within an Assignment in Canvas.

Note: The Discussion link is enabled by default when embedding a video, however, if you are not using Discussion, you can disable it while you are embedding the video. 

EchoVideo Embedded Player for Instructors

Embed Playlists in Canvas (from the Easy Embed tool)

Important Notes: This first release of Playlists does not include the ability to edit them once created. 
Watch this quick video from Echo360 Support. Click this link -  EchoVideo - Create Playlists

Easy embed button consolidated window.You can embed one video at a time or multi-select videos (create Playlists) to embed when using the Easy Embed tool in Canvas. Playlists can be up to 50 audio or video files, you can enforce the order of watching them, set auto play, choose the size of the player, and more.

In any Canvas content type (e.g., Announcement, Assignment, Discussion, Page, or Quiz), look for the plug-shaped icon in the toolbar to launch the easy embed button. Take note that the embedded workflow has been updated, the options available have been consolidated into one window instead of separate tabs.

  •          Choose existing content (top)
  •         Create Content (middle)
  •        Upload Content (bottom)

To embed existing videos from your Library, you will need to select the link "Launch Media Picker." 

A window provides a list of your Library content (e.g., audio, video, or interactive media). You can select 1 video to embed as you have in the past, or now you can select more than one piece of media, which creates a Playlist

The first video of the Playlist will display, there is a Playlist toggle that will open the rest of the videos within the Playlist. Videos can be watched within the embedded player or users can click the Expand button to watch them in another browser window.

Article: EchoVideo: Creating Playlists in your LMS / VLE Course Support (

View EchoVideo Course Analytics

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generatedAvailable: Canvas course (left menu)

You can now easily access video views or poll responses from the left menu in Canvas, EchoVideo Course Analytics. You can move it up in your Canvas menu if you desire, just click on Settings > Navigation.


A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


The time range by default is 30 days but you can change it from the drop-down menu. The Analytics shown will change based on the Time Range that is selected.

You will be able to drill down into a specific video or poll and view individual student participation. Viewing data is updated approximately once an hour while Polling data is in real-time. Article: Article: EchoVideo: Viewing Media Analytics Support (


Updated Media Details Page and Sharing Workflow

Note: The Share icon, previously had all sharing features in a top menu, it is now located in a left menu. Click Classes to publish media to your EchoVideo course section

EchoVideo - Share from image thumbnail - main screen     Echovideo - main - Share to class via image thumbnail

On the Media Details Page, the Sharing tab has been renamed Publishing; this is where you will share your content. Choose to share with an individual, publish to a class, or share to a Collection.

Select the Publishing tab, select Classes, then choose Add to Class, see sample image below.

EchoVideo sharing media to a EchoVideo course via Publishing tab

When publishing media to a New Class: The AM/PM toggle when publishing content to a new class via the Share modal has a new look and feel for accessibility and usability. The color contrast has been amplified.

Add to Class via the Share modal

Consolidated Analytics tab (

Quickly access view or polling analytics for all courses that you are an Instructor in; new improvements include an improved layout such as searching for a course, see % viewed and download detailed individual media data.

Once you click the Analytics button you will see card views for all your courses, the recent term is shown first. You can search for your course or click through the pages, once you locate the course you want click the View Analytics button on any course tile.

EchoVideo consolidated analtyics button access all your courses

View our knowledge article: "EchoVideo: View all Course Analytics"

Browser Capture - Record with Virtual Backgrounds

Note: Virtual backgrounds will be coming to Universal Capture Personal software in 2024.

Browser Capture works without the need of downloading software, (Firefox, Chrome, or Microsoft Edge), all you need is an internet connection.

  • Log into or access your Library from inside of Canvas. Launch Browser Capture from the Create button.
  • In the Camera drop-down menu select your internal or external camera.
  • Then, click the camera options button to open the list of virtual backgrounds (sample image below).

EchoVideo Browser capture - Virtual Backgrounds

Browser Capture - Camera options opens virtual backgrounds

Available backgrounds include: None, Blur, Green Screen, Beach, Colored Pencils, EchoVideo, Fence, Geometric, Lake, Library, Space, Texture, Tiles, and Wall.

If you are new to Browser Capture, view this help guide for step by step detail: EchoVideo: Recording with Browser Capture

Previous Releases

Recycle bin 

All users can restore deleted content up to 90 days from deletion, be mindful when media is deleted from your Library it is deleted from all published locations.  When media is restored all analytics and embedded links to the media is restored.​​​​ Note: At this time, presentations and polls cannot be restored.

EchoVideo accessing the recycle bin


Class Media icons (EchoVideo course)

An updated raspberry color theme on your course home page, tab navigation and more. View an OverView of the Instructor Class List (your Echo course home page) and how to interpret the media icons for classes.

Content and Engagement Notifications 

Users can turn on triggers they want to receive for content and engagements notifications when logged into their EchoVideo account.
Article: EchoVideo: In-app Notifications – Support (

EchoVideo accessing Account Settings (gear icon)

From the menu, select Notifications and choose the triggers you want to be notified on, these are not emailed to you.


Your selections are automatically saved and your notifcations will be seen via the bell icon. You will see unread notifications for the triggers you wanted to be notifed about. Click the bell icon to view your notifications.

EchoVideo Viewing Notifications

From the three dots of the notification type, you can mark it as read, or delete it. If you click on the notification it will open the individual media, if you open an Engagment notification you will be directed to that class.

EchoVideo View and Manage Notifications

Previously Released Enhancements 2021 - 2022

  • Embed videos in Canvas: does not use an EchoVideo course (recommended for Modules). Instructors embed media from the easy embed button, inside of a Canvas.
  • Collections: Share media with others and set member permissions for what you want to allows users to do with your media, outside of an EchoVideo course.
  • Consolidated Analytics: See a combination of all video views and poll responses for embedded media or course media.
  • Teams and OneDriveSync Microsoft Teams recordings to your EchoVideo library and/or easily access EchoVideo inside of Teams.
  • Instructor How-to Videos: Watch a compilation of short videos, view best practices, and use cases on how other universities are teaching with EchoVideo. 

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Article ID: 156316
Wed 1/10/24 2:00 PM
Mon 3/3/25 10:50 AM

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