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    Services or Offerings?
    If you have data in Colleague that needs to be changed and it cannot be done via a Colleague form/mnemonic, create a service request under this category.

    If you find two or more records in Colleague for the same person, please report it so IT Services can mark one as a duplicate.

    If you need general assistance with Colleague, use this service.

    In Colleague, a record can only be viewed by one person at a time. If you are trying to view a record and get an error indicating that it's locked, first try contacting the person specified who has the record open. If you are unable to resolve the issue yourself, create a ticket.

    Request assistance with Colleague printing and/or EasySpooler.

    Request access deactivation for Colleague, CROA, EasySpooler, Informer and Perceptive Content (ImageNow).

    Request access to Colleague, CROA, EasySpooler, Informer and Perceptive Content (ImageNow).