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    Adobe Express is an online design app, similar to Canva, offering a suite of tools for creating graphics, presentations, short videos, and web pages. As of August 24, 2024, Adobe Express Premium is no longer available to students through their SVSU ID. Students can still access the free version by signing up independently. However, faculty and staff continue to have access to the licensed Adobe Express Premium.
    Scheduling Poll app integrates with your Outlook calendar and is easy to use. The Scheduling Poll app provides the organizer a convenient way to schedule appointments with attendees of calendars you have available to you and propose meeting times to people outside of the organization.
    On this page find a list of all how-to guides when recording in a classroom whether they are scheduled by ITS or you are creating ad-hoc recordings in a classroom. You can find them here.
    View/download instructions on using an Appliance for scheduled class recordings. If you have Live Stream enabled for your classes students will see a Live badge on the classes list page and the view your classes remotely. You can combine student learning experience by using the classroom tools or embed presentations with polls or use both methods.
    Microsoft is rolling out a NEW version of Bookings called Bookings with me. It streamlines the Bookings app to offer features that individuals need vs. all the features that the original Bookings offered (that small businesses need). This page provides help for both Bookings and Bookings with me.