Canvas Direct Share

Direct Share allows instructors to copy their content to another course or share content items with another user.  Direct Share works with Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, Announcements, and Pages.

Direct Share Links

You can access Direct Share links from the main tool page:

Or within the individual content item (Announcements can only be shared this way):

Note:  If the content being shared or copied includes other content in the course (such as a quiz that includes a file), only the direct content item selected for sharing/copying will be included.  The additional files must be shared/copied individually.

Send Content

The "Send To" option is used to send content to another user.  Content can only be sent to users with instructor-based roles who can manage course content.  After clicking on "Send To," type the name of the user you want to share within the search field and click on their name when it appears. 

The same content may be sent to more than one user by adding other users individually.

When all users have been added and the content has been sent, the window confirms the content has been shared successfully.  You can close this window once you see it.

Copy Content

The "Copy To" option allows instructors to copy content to one of their other courses.  After clicking on "Copy To," type the name of the course where the content should be shared in the search field and select the course when it appears.

The content can be placed within a specific module in the course, if applicable.  This menu is optional.  To use the module option, type the name of the module you want the item shared to in the search field and select the name of the module when it appears. 

When all fields have been completed and the content has been copied, the window confirms the content copy process has started successfully.  The content may take a few minutest to display in the selected course.

Access Shared Content

Shared content is indicated in the user's Account icon and in the Shared Content link.

Shared Content Page

Each content item displays the title of the content, the type of content, the user who sent the content, and the date and time received.  Users can manage the content by clicking the Actions menu.  Options include previewing the item, importing the item, or removing the item.

  • Preview:  The content loads in the same window and the user can close the window after the content is reviewed.
  • Import:  Import the content into a course using the same functionality as copying content into another course.
  • Remove:  Remove the content from the page and take no action.  A separate window will display to confirm the removal.