What is Bomgar?
Bomgar is a software that allows IT Support employees to remotely access a client's computer so they can handle issues that require first person help without the client having to come into the desk. Because it allows another person to remotely have full control of another user's computer, many devices, specifically Mac devices, have settings that need to be changed to allow the Bomgar Screen Share Session to take place. This article shows how to change those settings when doing a Bomgar session.
How to Join a Bomgar Session
When you are working with an IT employee, they will give you instructions on how to start the screen sharing process, however here are a list of steps to help in this process as well:
- Open a new browser or a new tab in your current browser, and go to help.svsu.edu.
- Find the name of the representative who is helping you out and click on it. (refer to the picture for a visual of what this looks like)

- This will download a file to the computer, which you will then open and run. Note that if you don't see the file in a similar place to the images below it can be found in the downloads folder in file explorer. (refer the the next picture)
- Clicking on "Allow" will start the session once your representative has joined.
- Each session is unique, and may take a few seconds to load, so wait on the representative for confirmation if it is taking longer than expected.
- There may be further settings you need to change in order for the session to completely connect and give access to the representative who is helping you. These are the aforementioned "Accessibility Settings." The next section will lay out how to change those in "System Preferences" so the Bomgar session can be most successful.

Changing the Accessibility Settings
This process will be similar across all Mac devices, however there are some extra steps to take if you are using a school issued laptop or Mac device. If you are using a University device, please scroll down to Step 7 and continue from there, as it lays out the special steps needed in this case.
Otherwise, the steps for changing the system preferences are as follows:
- Click on "Open System Preferences." That will take you to the following settings box. (see image)
- The option being changed here is the "Screen Recording." (see image)
- Note that the check box on the right panel in the picture in step one is greyed out. This is because the lock symbol in the bottom left corner is locked. Clicking on it will open a box where you can enter a password to unlock it, allowing you to make the necessary changes. However, this is where the differences come in between personal and University owned Mac computers.
- For Personal Computers, when the following box appears, you will simply enter your Mac password, and then click "Unlock." If you have a Univeristy owned device, please see Step 7 to continue.
- Now that the box is no longer greyed out you can check the box, which will pull up a panel where you will be presented with two options, either "Later" or "Quit and Reopen." Either will work to continue, although if you choose "Quit and Reopen" you will have to rejoin the support session and it will take longer.
- Once this is done, scroll to the "Accessibility" section and do the same process above for that option.
- These are the Alternative Instructions for University Owned Devices (Including Faculty Laptops and Computers) This is necessary, because an admin password is required for changing these settings. However, this is made easy through Admin by request, which is the green check mark that is found on the bottom toolbar on your device (see the first picture). It might also be in the top right of your Mac, and if you do not se it there, simply search for it in the Mac search bar and open it. Doing this will open a new box as seen in the second image below.
- Click on Yes, which will open a box where you will input your email, phone number, and reason for requesting Admin Access.
- Once you hit continue, an IT employee will approve the request within minutes, and the following box will alert you that that it has been successful.
- Next, hit "OK" to accept the code of conduct and then enter your SVSU password in the box that appears. You are now the administrator of your device for 15 minutes, which means your usual Mac username and password will now work to allow these changes in settings.
- Now that the box next to "Remote Support Customer Client" is no longer greyed out you can check the box, which will pull up a panel where you will be presented with two options, either "Later" or "Quit and Reopen." Either will work to continue, although if you choose "Quit and Reopen" you will have to rejoin the support session and it will take longer.
- Once this is done, scroll to the "Accessibility" section and do the same process above for that option.
- Once these options are changed, the representative who is working with you should be able to remotely control the computer. They can move the mouse, type, open and close windows or software, and perform similar functions to help with whatever the issue is. Note that you retain control as well, so any mouse movements you make, keyboard clicks, etc. will also have an effect so communicate with who you are working with to make sure only one person is moving and acting on the computer at a time.
Once the session is over, you will be alerted with a dialogue box that informs you there is no longer any remote access to your computer and the Bomgar session is over. If you used Admin By Request there will also be a box where you can end the Admin control, however it is on a timer, and will end on its own without you having to do anything.