Equipment Disposal


From time to time ITS may have surplus computer equipment that is obsolete to the University, but may have value to others.  This policy ensures that the equipment is disposed with the best interests of the taxpayers in mind.


Equipment that is no longer considered acceptable for use on campus will be collected and sent to recycling or put on the SVSU Public Surplus listing.

The Technical Services Team will make determination as to which option will be used based on their knowledge of the value of the equipment to others.

The Technical Services Team will make the arrangements with a recycling company to pick up the excess equipment.

ITS does not maintain any contact lists of interested parties for donations of equipment.

Prior to placing equipment in surplus or recycling, Technical Services will ensure hard drives are either wiped with DoD level standards or removed and destroyed. Systems with value will be provided to Campus Facilities, where they are prepped for sale on  All proceeds that are collected are to be turned in to the Controller’s Office for distribution to the appropriate General or Plant Funds at the discretion of the Vice President of Administration and Business Affairs.

Media Removal and Disposal

All media that is being removed or disposed of must be sanitized or destroyed.  If sent off site for destruction a record of "chain of custody" and "proof of destruction" must be provided and recorded in ITSM. (Primary source document Asset Management Procedures).

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