News Release or Media Advisory Request

University Communications, through its media relations office, serves as the primary liaison between Saginaw Valley State University and the news media, seeking to enhance public awareness and understanding of SVSU.

University Communications seeks to publicize outstanding accomplishments of the university community, promote campus programs, such as concerts, lectures and plays, and other events or subjects that may interest the news media. For news of noteworthy achievements, please contact J.J. Boehm as soon as possible, as such items are of greatest news interest when they are most timely.

For a news release on an upcoming event, please e-mail J.J. at at least four weeks prior to the event to ensure that the release can be distributed to news outlets with sufficient advance notice. Be sure to include information containing the “who, what, when, where, why and how” — the six basic questions of journalism.

In addition, members of the news media routinely contact the media relations officer with questions relating to SVSU policies or procedures, or seeking the expertise of a faculty or staff member to clarify or explain a topic in his/her field (see tips for working with news media). If you have insight to offer on a particular story that is in the news or have suggestions for a story that may be of interest to the news media, please contact J.J.

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