Graphic Design Request

Please Note: University Communications now uses Creative Hub for all their requests. Clicking "Request Service" will direct you to the new request page, please update any bookmark you have to their new system. 

University Communications provides professional design services. Our designers pay close attention to the target audience when creating layouts. In addition, all varieties of publications (including copy writing and photography) will reflect graphic standards and the university brand .

University Communications is involved in one of three ways with the creation of publications and collateral.

For publications and collateral related to “primary external audiences,” University Communications offers a complete creative and production package. The process begins with a marketing strategy meeting to discuss audience, message, intent, due date, etc. Working backwards from the intended delivery date, University Communications suggests the following time lines:

  • Off-campus printers require a minimum of two weeks of production time.
  • Four to six weeks is needed for University Communications to gather estimates, write copy, design layout, shoot photos, provide proofs, make corrections, and provide final proofs. Multiple vendors are asked for bids. Basic information required before bids can be submitted include quantity, size, number of inks used, paper, bindery and difficulty.
  • Copy (text) may be supplied to University Communications; or the University Communications staff can write and/or edit copy. Copy may be submitted by CD or as an email attachment in Microsoft Word (.doc), or Rich Text Format (.rtf).
  • If a publication will be mailed first class, allow one week between post date and delivery (bulk rate requires two to three weeks).
  • Searching for existing photographs (available at or creating new photography also could result in additional time to complete a publication.

University Communications is also involved in a collaborative partnership on those publications that are not for “primary external” audiences. The extent to which University Communications is involved in the creation and/or production is decided on a case-by-case, or publication-by-publication, basis. Contact University Communications.

Publications (even those for external audiences) consisting of text, charts, tables and graphs can be readily produced by the respective division, department or college; however, University Communications serves as a creative consultant and can design covers for these types of publications.

For production of publications for an “internal audience” and some external audiences, University Communications offers department and college "templates." Creative and production assistance also is available for college and department-produced publications and collateral. For more information on how, or to what extent, University Communications could be involved in the production of your material(s), contact University Communications.

The department initiating the publication or collateral bears the responsibility for final proofreading and accuracy. Each proof must be signed and returned to University Communications at least two weeks before the required delivery date of the final publication. Once a publication has been sent to the printer, University Communications signs off on the printer’s proof. Any changes at this stage are normally costly and likely will result in delayed delivery.

Publications printed off campus are delivered to SVSU's receiving department. Each department is responsible for storage and inventory of its printed material, unless otherwise negotiated early in the production process.

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