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    Purview Device Data Loss Prevention (DLP) limits copying and pasting sensitive data into a browser and certain desktop apps, as a security measure, to stop sensitive information from being unintentionally shared or exposed online. It works by confirming the intent to copy sensitive data, reminding the user to protect against data leaks or breaches.
    External storage devices used for storing sensitive data need to be encrypted and properly disposed of when no longer needed. This article goes into the methods of encryption, plus instructions on proper disposal.
    Microsoft provides an Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) service that delivers SVSU additional safeguards to our existing email security controls. It is composed of two parts Safe Links and Safe Attachments.

    Safe Links looks for malicious URLs. Safe Attachments looks for malicious content in email attachments.
    Encrypt documents and email messages containing sensitive information.
    Bitlocker is Microsoft's built in encryption method for files and flash drives. It ensures that whenever anyone tries to access them they have to enter a password, either for a specific file, folder, or an entire drive. There are different requirements and instructions depending on what your current Microsoft OS is. The first part of this article will describe how to check this on your device, then follow the links below it to the section that corresponds with your version.