Team meeting recordings when downloaded don't download the transcript (its not a feature at this time). This guide demonstrates how to download a transcript from Stream (on SharePoint) and upload it to your media in EchoVideo.
Access Stream (on SharePoint)
All recordings can be accessed here whether you've recorded in Teams, uploaded media created by another source, or its a recording that has been shared with you.
- If you are not logged into your Microsoft account, open a browser and go to office.com.
- Click the app launcher menu (waffle shaped icon) to select All apps, click Stream.

- You will see a list of all videos, navigate to the Teams recording and click on it to Open.
- The video is open, click Video Settings (upper-right of your screen).

- Click to open the Transcripts section, here you can edit your Transcript or Download it.
Note: To edit the transcript click the pencil icon to make changes.

Click Done when your finished.

- To Download the transcript file, click Download. Then, select Download as .vtt

- A file is downloaded that is file format .vtt .
Upload your Transcript to EchoVideo
There a few different ways to upload your transcript to EchoVideo depending on your need. Please refer to the article links below. Note: EchoVideo's transcription service is coded to the WebVTT spec as defined by the W3C: https://www.w3.org/TR/webvtt1/ as long as your VTT file meets the specification, EchoVideo will accept it.
- Log into echo360.org
- Locate your video in your Library. Click it to open it.
If you plan to edit the transcript inside of EchoVideo's transcript editor view this article:
EchoVideo: Uploading a Transcript File for Editing – Support (echo360.com)
If you have edited your transcript already view this article:
EchoVideo: Uploading Transcripts for Individual Media – Support (echo360.com)