Admin by Request


When a user has a need to install software or run an application with administrative privileges, the user invokes the Administrator Access feature on a Mac or the "Run As Admin" feature on Windows. Currently reserved for faculty and select situations. If you have a software installation need, fill out the appropriate ticket for ITS assistance.


What is Admin By Request?

Admin By Request (ABR) is a utility used by ITS to help facilitate software installations for SVSU faculty and/or for unique software needs.  Since computers no longer have administrator privileges, users must request assistance and permission to install software on the computers.  In some cases, the software may need to be elevated to run as an adminstrator.  In other cases, the software may have already been pre-approved for installation.  If you receive a prompt when using software, asking for administrator privileges, Admin By Request may be the bridge to help get the job done quickly.  

In essence, once ABR is installed, you may download software onto your system.  However, it's the installation process or execution of the software that will require permission to be run on the system.  The instructions that follow provide steps on how to request software to be granted permission.  Please note: all software requests must be vetted for software compliance and does take time to review (plan in advance of your need and make sure you've done your homework as outlined in the Software Purchasing and Installation Policy).  

Windows Installation Instructions

Mac Installation Instructions

Using Admin by Request

Mac Devices

  • To request Admin access, click on the green Administrator Access Dock icon

  • Once you click on it, you will get the following notice

  • Fill in a valid reason and click Ok.

  • You will receive a notice that you request has been sent for approval.

  • Once the request had been approved, you will receive an email that looks similar to the following:

  • When you click on Administrator Access in the Dock, you will get the prompt to request access again.  Click yes.

  • Once you click yes, a Code of Conduct notice will come up.

  • After clicking OK, you will have Admin Access for 15 minutes.



Windows Devices

  • Install the Admin by Request client, if it is not already present
    • Click on the Start button or Search icon, and type: Software Center [press enter when it appears in the list]
    • Under Applications, you will find a list of software packages.
    • Select Admin by Request Workstation, then choose Install.

  • Once installed you can right-click on your Software Installer and select Run as administrator

  • At this point, a notice will appear that wants you to enter a reason that you need admin access.  After entering a reason click ok.

  • Then a notice will come up letting you know that your request has been submitted.

  • Once the request has been approved, you will receive an email that looks similar to the following:

  • Right-click on your installer again and select Run as administrator.  You will see the following notice.  Once you click ok you will be prompted to enter your credentials.  After entering your credentials your installation will begin.


Related Services, Policies, and Procedures



Article ID: 120286
Thu 11/12/20 4:28 PM
Wed 6/12/24 12:26 PM