Respondus 4.0 – Exam Authoring


Respondus 4.0 is used by instructors to create exam/quiz questions in Word and then upload them to Canvas.


Respondus 4.0 is used by instructors to create exam/quiz questions in Microsoft Word and then upload them to Canvas. You can create a quiz from scratch or take an existing pencil-and-paper version of quiz and use Respondus 4.0 to help you turn it into a quiz for Canvas.

This article outlines the basics for downloading Respondus 4.0 and how to format your questions in Microsoft Word.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Respondus only works on Windows machines, it does not work on Mac computers

Download Respondus 4.0

To use Respondus 4.0, you will need to purchase an individual license.  This is a lifetime license, so it is a one-time purchase.  You can also download a free 30-day trial to try it out.

  1. Download Respondus:
  2. Follow the instructions on that page to download and set up Respondus:
    1. Step 1 is the link to download the program.  Download it first.
    2. Step 4 has links to register for a permanent license or a 30-day trial.You will need to click on one of the links in order to get a password that will allow you to use it.
  3. Once you have downloaded and activated Respondus with the password, you are ready to use it.

How to use Respondus 4.0

View the Respondus 4.0 resource page with video tutorials

There are four steps to getting your exam/quiz questions into Canvas:

  1. Create a Word document with your questions (See below for examples of how to correctly format your questions).
  2. Import your Word documents to Respondus 4.0.
  3. Use Respondus to save your questions to QTI format.
  4. Import the QTI file to Canvas.

Step One – Create a Word document with your questions

Create a Word document with all your quiz questions (scroll to the bottom of this page to see examples of how to correctly format your questions).  Save this file somewhere you can easily find it.

Step Two – Import your Word document into Respondus 4.0

This video shows you how to import your Word document into Respondus 4.0:  Importing Questions with Respondus (4 minutes)

Step Three – Use Respondus to save your questions into QTI format

This video shows you how to download your file in QTI format, which can be uploaded into Canvas.  Exporting Questions to QTI (2 minutes)

Step Four - Import QTI file to Canvas

After you have saved your questions into QTI format, you will then import the QTI file into Canvas.  This Canvas Guide page shows you how to do that:  How to import quizzes from QTI packages.

NOTE:  Ignore the "Import Assessment to New Quizzes" section because we are not using New Quizzes here at SVSU.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 10, 8, 7 (Does NOT work on Mac)
  • Memory: 32 MB RAM minimum
  • Hard Disk Space: 10 MB of free hard disk space for program files

Question Format Examples

Formatting Questions in Microsoft Word. Question types need to be formatted in a certain way in order for Respondus 4.0 to turn them into Canvas quizzes.

There are multiple question types you can create. Use the guidelines below to format your Word document before uploading it to Respondus 4.0.

  • Each question must be numbered.  Use one of the following formats for numbering: 
    • 1.
    • 1)
  • Correct answers are indicated by an asterisk placed in front of the answer choice, (do not place a space in between them).
    • * denotes the correct answer(s)

Formatting Multiple Choice and True/False Question Types

Format Multiple Choice and True/False questions as shown below.

Multiple Choice Example

There must be a space in between the question number and the question. Each answer must begin with a letter then a period or parenthesis.

1. Who determined the exact speed of light?

a. Albert Einstein
*b. Albert Michelson
c. Thomas Edison
d. Guglielmo Marconi

True/False Example

Formatting is similar to multiple-choice questions, see above.

2. Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light?

*a) True
b) False

Formatting Other Questions Types

For all question types other than multiple choice and true/false, the question must be preceded by the text Type: and then a code indicating the question type. 
  • Essay: Type: E
  • Fill in the Blank: Type: F
  • Matching: Type: MT
  • Multiple Response: Type: MR


Essay Question Example

Type: E

3. How is the Michelson-Morely experiment related to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity?

Matching Question Example

Type: MT

4) Match the correct name to the discovery or theory.
a. Michelson-Morely = Speed of light
b. Einstein = Theory of Relativity
c. Marconi = radio waves

Fill-in-the-Blank Question Example

Type: F
5. Who is known as the "father of television"?

a. Zworykin
b. Vladimir Zworykin
c. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin

Multiple Response Question Example

Type: MR
6. Which of the following individuals are credited with determining the exact speed of light?

a. Albert Einstein
*b. Albert Michelson
*c. Edward Williams Morley
d. Thomas Edison

Respondus 4.0 Online Resources

Instructor Quick Start Guide

Respondus 4.0 Users Guide






Article ID: 103714
Tue 3/31/20 8:32 AM
Wed 4/20/22 3:18 PM

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