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To request refund to print balance.
Manage account security information and sign-in methods used to verify your account during MFA and Password Reset.
Multi-Factor Authentication, MFA, helps ensure a user's identity when attempting to use SVSU software and systems.  It requires SVSU users to verify their account login using two layers of authentication. First, being your SVSU username and password. Second, is their two-factor verification from the available options. Without authentication, your log in will fail on any application that uses single sign-on for a SVSU system.
This is a policy explaining when technology access is granted and removed for University employees.
Mac user passwords can get out of sync when changing Active Directory password. This document contains steps to be performed by an administrator account.
Instructions on setting up the recommended sign-in method for MFA using the Microsoft Authenticator app.
This method authenticates your account using verification codes generated on the Oath Token.
Explore how to view and access EchoVideo inside of Microsoft Teams. You can open EchoVideo from the left menu in Teams or add it as an app to a Teams Channel.
This policy explains when technology access is granted and removed for students.
Add Users to Shared Office 365 Email