Search32 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request installation assistance with software on your university-owned computer.

Request additional purchase information for Hardware, Software or Printer purchasing information.

Request assistance with Colleague printing and/or EasySpooler.

CROA, Colleague Reporting and Operating Analytics, is a tool to write reports from Colleague data.

SVSU offers 3 methods of application integration:  ADFS, LDAP and Shibboleth. This service is for ADFS/Shibboleth.

If you need general assistance with Workday, use this service.

If you need general assistance with Colleague, use this service.

Security Incident Reporting is used as the final analysis of security events or alerts that need to be escalated.

Report a problem with a printer or scanner in a classroom, office, or open area.

Perceptive Content, formerly known as ImageNow, is the University's document imaging system.

Find information about Online Course Evaluations (Evaluation Kit), and submit a ticket if you are having issues.

SVSU has certain software licenses available for personal home use.

Entrinsik Informer is a web-based reporting tool that allows you to report off Colleague live data.

New accounts, requests for access to department shares, email, or other technology resources.

SVSU offers 3 methods of application integration:  ADFS, LDAP and Shibboleth. This service is for LDAP.