Windows 11


Training resources for getting started with Windows 11.



SVSU will be upgrading Windows computers from Windows 10 to Windows 11 throughout 2024. Windows 11 is available to install on your University computer through the Software Center app.

Important Note: You will need to identify if your machine is Windows 11 ready or if its not compatible. View our knowledge article, Windows 11 readiness at SVSU. If your machine is compatible, Windows 11 will be forced in a normal Windows update if you have not upgraded by June 01, 2024.


Refreshed tools and features include:

Moving the Windows 11 Taskbar to the Left

By default the Windows 11 taskbar appears at the bottom center of your screen. You can move the taskbar to your desired position on your screen, (left, center).

  1. Right click on any open space on your taskbar.
    Windows 11 taskbar center
  2. Select Taskbar Settings from the context menu.
    Windows 11 Taskbar settings
  3. On the Personalization > Taskbar window, scroll down to Taskbar behaviors, (bottom of the page), click it to expand it.
    Windows 11 Taskbar behaviors
  4. Look for Taskbar alignment, then choose Left, from the drop-down menu.
    Windows 11 Taskbar behaviors - Taskbar alignment
  5. The taskbar moves instantly to the Left, as it was in Windows 10.
Article: Fully customize your Windows taskbar - Geekflare's Complete Guide

Help Resources

Discover the fresh look of Windows 11, complete with enhancements to the classic Windows 10 interface. Dive into what’s new by exploring the following links below:

Microsoft Support articles

Thinking of Upgrading Your Home Computer to Windows 11 



Article ID: 145105
Mon 7/18/22 10:19 AM
Wed 12/11/24 9:34 AM

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