O365 Licensing Process
O365 Licensing Process
O365 licensing is handled as follows:
Employees (regular, temp, pool, adjunct) and registered students are granted a full O365 license regardless of any other relationship to the University.
Special Technology Access coded users are granted a full or limited O365 license based on the “Tech Access ITS Override Codes” doc in the PoliciesProc folder.
Admitted students, alumni and retirees are granted a limited O365 license, unless they fall under #1 or are assigned a full license as part of #2 above.
When a user’s relationship to the University changes, they will be switched from a full O365 license to a limited license in the following cases, otherwise they will remain assigned a full license:
Students changing from Registered to Admitted status, unless they are an employee (regular, temp, pool, adjunct).
Students changing from Registered to Other (registered in the last seven semesters) status, unless they are an employee (regular, temp, pool, adjunct).
Students changing from Registered to No status, if they are also Alumni AND/OR Retiree and are not an employee (regular, temp, pool, adjunct).
Employees (regular, temp, pool, adjunct) changing to No status (for all 4 indicators), if they are an Alumni AND/OR Retiree.
Users switched from a full license to a limited license will:
Retain access to O365 email.
Lose access to all other O365 functions, including OneDrive (although files will be inaccessible due to limited licensing, they will not be purged. Only revoking licensing will result in files being purged.)
Be unable to download the O365 Suite.
Within 30 days, if they previously downloaded the O365 Suite, will not be able to activate applications that are not functioning.
To track and maintain the status of O365 licenses, the following processes are in place:
The O365 License script assigns licenses based off Tech access codes, Email status, Alumni, Student, Faculty, and staff indicators.
Licenses are reclaimed from a user when the basic Email status indicator is deactivated.
Retained Emails, documents, etc are kept in preservation hold for 3.5 years until the purge date is reached regardless of the account status.
Article ID:
Fri 7/2/21 10:58 AM