Technology Access Adobe Licensing Process


When a user is granted access to email via the Technology Access (TA) routines, an associated Adobe license is activated (applies to employees and registered students). There are two Adobe Product groups to manage Named User License access: SVSU Employee – All Adobe Apps and Creative Cloud Express Premium. All eligible users with a valid Named User License are provided online storage via the Creative Cloud Express Premium license (2GB).



When a user is granted access to email via the Technology Access (TA) routines, an associated Adobe license is activated (applies to employees and registered students).  There are two Adobe Product groups to manage Adobe license access:  All Apps – Pro Edition – EDU, and Creative Cloud Shared Device Access for Higher Education.  The first All Apps – Pro Edition – EDU plan is for FTE employees, while the Creative Cloud Shared Device Access for Higher Education (formerly Spark) is for all users to be able to authenticate on shared devices, like a computer lab.

Sharing is restricted to SVSU domain users. Users cannot create public links and can only collaborate on shared folders and documents with people from trusted, claimed, and whitelisted domains (currently only SVSU).

Adobe licensing is handled as follows:

  1. Employees (regular, temp, pool, adjunct) are granted access to All Apps – Pro Edition – EDU, via Named User License.  The Named User License provides access to Adobe products, to download and use on up to two systems (one work computer and one personal home computer).  The Named User License allows use of Adobe software and services, on devices deployed with a Shared Device license (such as computer labs).
  2. Registered students are granted access to Adobe Creative Cloud Shared Device Access for Higher Education only. This allows for download/use on personal home devices, and access to storage via Shared Device Licensed computers on campus.
  3. Special Technology Access coded users, non-registered students, alumni, and retirees are not granted access to Adobe or Creative Cloud Express licenses.
  4. When an employee and/or student’s status changes, their Named User License may become deactivated.
    1. When employees leave/terminate employment with SVSU, and their Employee indicator changes to ‘N’, their access to Adobe All Apps and Creative Cloud Express Premium becomes deactivated.
    2. When Registered student’s indicator changes from R to any other status, their access to Creative Cloud Express Premium is deactivated.


To track and maintain the status of Adobe licenses, the following processes are in place.

  • The Adobe Sync Tool looks at two specific AD groups:
    • SVSU Employees - All Apps – Pro Edition – EDU,
    • SVSU Students - Creative Cloud Shared Device Access for Higher Education
  • When users are added to or removed from those groups, their access to Adobe licenses is provisioned or removed accordingly.
  • There is a TDX Helper Tool to allow Support Center staff to manually add Temp/Pool and sometimes Adjuncts to the SVSU Employees - All Apps AD group.



Article ID: 117757
Tue 10/6/20 4:38 PM
Tue 6/4/24 4:11 PM